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Do not doubt, do not fear, you are in safe hands

Dearest sweet angels, this morning I am here to remind you that you are held.. You are supported and you are held. You are held by eternity, and you are supported and guided (should you ask for help) by us, your angel brothers and sisters.

I know that at times the human journey can feel like a lonely one, but I promise you it is not! You are not alone, you have your own personal detail of angels that are assigned to you that look after you and love you and HOLD YOU. So do not doubt, do not fear, for you are in VERY safe hands!

What does this mean in practise?

Well, dearest sweet angels it means that everything in your life happens for a reason. It means that once you ask for help (And please do remember that us angels can only help if you ask for it, we cannot interfere in the free will of being human on your planet!) we can be there to help support and guide you on your journey. You need only ask and there we are, your angelic support team.

We have a vast library of knowledge, wisdom and love to tap into, we have access to the ‘all that is’ – so call on us as there’s not much we haven’t seen or helped with over the eternity that we have been doing this supporting role. We delight in helping when we can and we delight in doing all we can to ensure that you remember the truth of who you are and remember the divine mission that you are here to complete. So when you think that mission is a mission impossible, I promise you that with us by your side (and we are ALWAYS by your side) then ALL IS POSSIBLE and in fact NOTHING is impossible!

You see you are not here to struggle or worry, although these may be emotions that you have felt recently, and that is perfectly fine as one of the side-effects of being human is the gamut of human emotions that come with being in a body! However let those emotions move through you, like a wave gently crashing upon the shore. Once the wave of emotion (remember emotion means ‘things that move me’ if you block them they will not dissipate they will only grow stronger) is allowed free passage then I promise you that the wave will dissipate and you can return to your mission.

So allow emotions, and do not fear them, they are there as part of the deal of being human, just let the wave crash and then gently you will feel the emotion recede back into the ocean of love that IS you.

Right now you are forgetting just how magnificent an angel you are! You are love personified (quite literally LOVE in form!) and therefore there is nothing you cannot do, there is no mission impossible for you. And when things get tough, when they get a little difficult, when the challenge feels too much, when you feel as if you are being overwhelmed, well NOW you know that you have a support team of angels on call 24/7.

All you need to do is ask and we are there, holding you and supporting you, guiding you back to your path, aiding you in your earthly mission! So do not fear, do not doubt, do not worry, they do not bring solace, but an angels’ wings do!

Remember you are in our embrace and you are in safe hands.. I promise you. Much love Emmanuel xxxx

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Don’t take life TOO seriously

My dearest sweet friends, I am here this morning to remind you that Life is for the living, it is a wonderful adventure in consciousness and growth and as such should not be taken too seriously.

There is a terrible disease infecting your planet right now it is called the disease of earnestness otherwise known as taking life too seriously!

As you are angels all (Yes even you, the dear sweet angel reading this message right now) then your very nature is to love, to have fun and be joyous. I hear your minds as they respond in unison –

“Fun? Being joyous? – but Emmanuel it is a Monday morning and I’m at work and its not fun and its certainly not feeling joyous!”

Well my dear sweet angels THIS is the challenge!
You see life is not designed to be hard, it is designed to be simple. It is not designed to test and stress you out, it is designed to work with you and for you. I know that right now for many of you it does not feel like that. Life feels hard, a continual test, a daily challenge, but I promise you that is not coming from us, it is of your own creation.

If given a genuine choice I do not think that most of you would choose to make life hard, or choose fear over love. I am now inviting you to make a different choice, I am asking you to right now choose love, choose lightness and to choose JOY.

I like JOY for you cannot be ‘half-Joyful’ you either are joyous or you are not. It is time to remember that life is not a test, it is not something to struggle through it is an adventure. And as with all adventures there will be challenges along the way, however these challenges are not designed to overwhelm you or cause you pain, they are designed to help you grow, to help you develop and evolve and to remember the truth of who you are.

Sometimes we all need a push or a shove in the right direction and sometimes dearest ones we reluctantly do that, however we’d much prefer (as would the ‘all that is’) to help you, support you and guide you gently to your destination, to your mission, your purpose for being here.

So that is what I am doing now, I am asking you to remember your natural self, your natural state. For your natural angel state is one of joy, wonder and playfulness.

If life has become hard for you, has become overwhelming, then start to lighten your life up. Quite literally! Light your house with candles, fill your home with beautiful smells, and surround yourselves with things you love. See life more as an adventure, for that is precisely what it is.. wake up not with dread but with the excitement of a small child –

‘what will I do today to bring myself fun, joy and laughter?’ –

Put those as priorities on your daily ‘to do’ list!

Laughter is a bridge to god, it is the language of angels, it is the pathway to your heart. So when life gets too much.. laugh at it dearest ones, do not let it catch you. For I promise you that life is much easier when seen through the lens of laughter, fun, playfulness and joy. You will begin to notice just how many things there are around you designed to bring you that joy.

All the great saints that have ever lived, did not take life seriously, they laughed at fear and embraced LOVE.

One small step is all it takes to start the journey back to JOY, so do one thing today, RIGHT NOW if you can that will make you smile, give a lift to your heart and reconnect you with the joyful, playful, magnificent angel that you really are.

Life is not a test, it is a game.. a child’s game, where everyone wins in the end.

So my dear sweet angels go play, go have fun, and lighten up! Life is too important to be taken seriously, and I promise you that with just this simple shift in perception that your apparently hard lives will become easier and simpler.

And remember, you do not do this alone, oh no! You have us, your angels with you! We are always here and we are always with you, know that..

All our love Emmanuel, and your angels xxxx

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You are never alone

Dearest ones I am conscious that many of you right now do not realise that you always have company, that you do not have to face the adventure of life, the adventure of being human alone!

You see when you are in the one and you are choosing which incarnation which human life to take next, you also choose the angel friends that will come with you on that journey.

You see the human adventure is not a solo one. When you choose to come into the world of illusion, you bring your friends with you! Some of those friends will come into your life in form, as friends, parents, lovers, teachers etc and then there are others who will not be in form, these dearest ones are the ones that I wish to re-introduce you too. It is easy to see the angels that are around you in your life, you all have had those ‘a-haa!’ moments when you have met someone and known in your heart of hearts that you have known them forever! These are your angel friends in form. But many of you have forgotten that there are just as many angels literally BEING with you every step of the journey called life so far!

When you were a small child you saw your angels, others may have called them ‘your imaginary friends’ but you just KNEW that these were your ‘real friends’ they just didn’t have physical bodies the same as your friends from school. Then their came a time when you started to believe what your parents and your teachers at school said, that maybe these friends were imaginary and at that point they began to fade and they did not feel so real. Then in the shift into adulthood, it was felt that it really was not ‘good form’ to imagine seeing people and certainly not to listen to what they had to say! And so you forgot about your angels, but they I promise did NOT forget about you! And they have NEVER EVER LEFT YOUR SIDE.

Let me say that again, each and every one of you have at least ONE GUARDIAN ANGEL THAT HAS NEVER LEFT YOUR SIDE.

You see before you were born you chose some of your closest angel brothers and sisters to be WITH YOU on this journey. You see your mission is too important to not have support and guidance, some of that support and guidance comes from your earthly angels (friends, teachers, parents etc) but the most vital and direct support comes from your guardian angels. Each and every one of you reading this, (yes, even you dear sweet angel!) has a detail of angels assigned to you at birth. You have angels that walk with you at all times, they are assigned to you and NO OTHER. They are your personal detail of angels. They are your friends, your eternal friends and they wish to reconnect with you now!

So close your eyes for a moment.. go on, close your eyes just for a minute or two..

now hold out your hand, palm up.

Your guardian angel/angels are now going to touch/hold your hand.

Can you feel them?

What are they saying to you RIGHT NOW??

Do you feel their love, their warmth? Do you feel their angel wings as they wrap themselves around you and surround you in their love?

Please know that all that is required is that every morning as you wake you acknowledge their presence merely say

‘good morning my angels! – be with me today and help guide and support me so that I can have a wonderful day’

and then (making sure you have left space on the back seat of your automobile so that they can get in with you) you can leave the rest to us.

You see life becomes so much lighter, so much more FUN when you know you have a cohort of angel friends, brothers and sisters with you.

We are playful, and we are sometimes mischievous! If you wish to know who it is who moves your car keys.. it is US!!

So take time each day to remind yourself and to remember that life is not a solo journey, it is a journey taken with FRIENDS. It is an adventure of a life time. And that adventure is never done alone, it is always done in company. So I hope now you will take time each morning to check in with your guardian angels, they are awaiting your call, and they are always here for you, at your service!

All our love, Emmanuel and your guardian angels xxxxx

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Don’t be afraid to Love

During the wonderful adventure called being human, there are many trials and tribulations, many heart breaks and many heart delights! One of the heart breaking things for us your angels to watch as we are with you on the journey is the fear that grows inside many of you. The fear to love for fear of being hurt.

What we know that you do not is that the heart is designed to break. Yes it is written into the very fabric and make up of the heart and indeed it makes your heart stronger not weaker to have had it broken.

You see when you see the beauty and the suffering around you, when you see the beauty and the perfection even in the suffering, then your heart breaks a thousand times. It will break over and over and over and it will stimulate you into action, into more than just tears it will stimulate you compassion muscle (Ha! You didn’t know you had a compassion muscle did you??!) I am only joking and yet it is true! – for when your heart has been broken over and over it becomes more than just a bio-mechanical heart something that pumps blood and oxygen through your body, it becomes a place where you can connect with the divine both inside and outside of yourself. It is always this, however it takes a few heart breaks for you to realise that the only love you need is inside of you. So do not be afraid to love. As a great poet once said ‘love like you’ve never been hurt’

You see Love is all powerful and it IS all that is. When you love fully and completely you are making manifest the glory of god that is within and without you. You are being a magnificent angel and you will shine. Will you get hurt? Maybe, but that is all part of the adventure it is all part of this human journey you are upon. When you get stung by a bee does it stop you admiring the beauty of it? When you get caught by a thorn on a rose does it stop you smelling it fragrance? No of course not. Well know this, there is nothing to fear when you step INTO love with another. For IN LOVE fear cannot exist. It is only when you step out of love, when you listen to the doubts and take them on board that fear steps in and says
‘A-HAAA!!’ now you will experience the fear and pain of heart break..”
NO this is not true fear, you will experience the pain of separation from the truth of who you are, from the LOVE you have just stepped out of.

So step into love, DIVE into love whole heartedly and know that LOVE cannot hurt you, only separation from LOVE can. And even then, know that your heart was designed to be broken and designed to heal, and every time it breaks its capacity to LOVE and BE LOVE grows, your heart literally GROWS through heartbreak.

So dare to LOVE, dare to dive headlong in and remember to let go of fears’ hand as you jump. LOVE is not something to be afraid of it is something to feed your growth and to reconnect you back to your source, to your very essence to the very truth of who you are.

YOU ARE LOVE expressing itself, YOU ARE LOVE itself. So be IN LOVE with others yes, but also more importantly with YOUR SELF. There is an incredible amount of love within you, for you are made of love, so tap into that love as often as you dare. And remember when you are IN LOVE fear cannot exist, for fear cannot exist in the presence of love.

SO LOVE LOVE LOVE! And know that we, your angels and your guides love you so very much, so feel OUR love for you too! Love Emmanuel xxxxx

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Do not worry, do not fear love is on the way

Wherever you are right now in your life, know that love is never far away. Indeed love is right here right now if you are open to it. If you are open to receive it, and ready for the gift of love that is being sent right now from the all that IS to you.
Yes I am speaking to you dearest one, not the person behind you or the person at your side. I am talking to you, reminding you that love is not only there in the good times but also love is available to you at ALL times.
Simply open up your heart, it is not as hard as you think it will be. You will not be hurt, you will not be taken advantage of, for love dissolves away all of these fears those negative thoughts. Your heart is a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of life. In the heart YOUR SPIRITUAL self resides, your true self lives. You see you are not just a human being, you are also an angel. An angel having a human experience, enjoying the journey and loving life! So if you want love in your life, give love. In fact stop for a moment and give love right now. Send love to someone that you care about and that you wish to know love. And If your heart yearns to be free, if your heart yearns to know true love. Then stop for a moment. Just stop. Close your eyes and imagine that the whole world is here to serve and love you. Now feel that love as it is sent to you. Open up your heart, let the door to your heart swing wide open. Let the love in. Let it in. Do not resist it, do not fear it, merely receive it.
Can you feel it?
Know that you have a right to be loved. And you ARE LOVED. Right now you are being loved and being sent more love than you can possible imagine. Let us, your angels surround you in our love. Let us love you dearest one, let us hold you in our angel wings.
If you wish to know love, then love others as you would love to be loved yourself. And know that we your angels love you and that LOVE is all that is, so tap into that love, we promise you it will not run out. It is eternal, as are you. All our love Emmanuel and your angels xxxxx

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The most important valentines’ gift of all

Feb. 14th – 2014

There is something much more important than external, received love. The love that is given at this time of year, via cards and flowers and other such tokens of appreciation and love. You see the most important love on your planet, is SELF-LOVE.

There are so many of you that are yearning to be loved, and so seek that love not outside of you, but inside of you. Yes, of course it is delightful to be loved by another, it feeds you. But the hunger for love will never be satiated until you truly love your selves!

“Well Emmanuel, that is all very well, but how on earth do we do that??” I hear you cry!

Well I do believe that there is a celebration of love happening upon your planet in the next day or so. So how about celebrating not just the love for your partner or your loved one(s) but also celebrating your love for YOU. You see there is so much love inside of you, waiting to be expressed. You are an embodiment of love, you were created from love and ARE LOVE. You are love made manifest, you are love of limitless potential. So dare to express that love not just to those you love but more importantly to your self!

On this festival of love known as Valentine’s day please make sure that you are sending just as much love to YOU as to others..

In fact I have a homework, that I hope you will take me up on. How about you use this day as a chance to tell yourself just how much you love YOU.
Buy yourself a card or perhaps draw yourself a card that represents the love that you have for all that you are. Then inside it, write yourself a love letter. Let your heart open and pour out its love to you. Let your angel self tell you just how much he/she loves you. Let your love shine through every word, every sentence that you write. Then sign it and make sure to put lots of hearts and kisses upon it. Seal it up in an envelope address it to yourself. And the post it through your own door late on the eve of Valentine’s day. Then on Valentine’s day morning you will receive a wondrous token of love, from the most amazing being.. this beautiful being of light. And who is that most wondrous, magnificent, amazing, beautiful being?? Why dearest one it is YOU of course!!

– and know THIS.. if you think noone loves you, you are WRONG. I LOVE YOU.. and so do YOUR ANGELS. Listen to us this valentines morning, tune in and invite us into your day, we will be whispering sweet nothings into your ears, expressing our love for you and reminding you that you are never alone and you are ALWAYS LOVED! – we love you, angel sisters and brothers – all my love Emmanuel xxxx

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A commitment to love

A New Years Eve message from Emmanuel: A commitment to love

So greetings my dear angels I come to you on this New year’s eve to bring a message that I hope will resonate in the deepset parts of your consciousness.

The new year is traditionally a time to review and make a commitment to the upcoming year. I am here with a suggestion that perhaps THIS year is the year that you make a commitment to your-SELF. So often the new years resolutions are about what you cannot have, what you must let go of.. do not eat this, do not drink that, give up this, let go of that. It is a list of things not to do rather than things that will inspire and help you to grow into the wonderful angel that you are. So I am here today to remind you that perhaps the greatest gift you can give to yourself this new year is to make a renewed commitment to yourself and to your journey.
For this IS a journey that you are on, and you dearest ones ARE the creators of that journey. So what would you create for your-self this year?

Might I suggest that you create a journey that is full of wonder and full of JOY? – For you see it is your birthright to have JOY in your life.
I do so love JOY for it is not a half hearted emotion, it is ALL or NOTHING. Either you have JOY or you do not, there is no such thing as being ‘half joyful’. Yes already I am hearing your minds as they respond to my invitation:

“Joy? Really Emmanuel? But you do not live in this world, have you seen what is around us? Have you seen how HARD life can be? It is easy for you out there in the one, but what about us, down here in this world of fear?”
You are right, I have not been in form for quite some while, but I come not to lecture, but to remind and help you to remember the truth of who you are.

From where I stand ALL IS POSSIBLE.

I wish to re-iterate that if I May – ALL IS POSSIBLE!

Yes, even in your world of fear ALL IS POSSIBLE. SO if you were to act as if that were a TRUTH then what would you do and what life would you create for yourself in 2014? You see from my vantage point, I see many angels that are sleeping, unaware of the incredible gifts and talents they were born with to help with the transformation of the planet. It is my job here and now to remind you, to poke and provoke you – WAKE UP!!!
– wake up my beautiful angels.. it is time to make a renewed commitment to your-self and to your mission here on this planet.
Let this NEW YEAR be the time that you make a renewed commitment to be an ambassador of love on your planet.

And how does one do that?? Simple. Just fall back in love with your-selves. Yes you heard me right. Just love your self. Totally. Love all your imperfections and love who YOU are.

You see you are perfect just the way you are, imperfections and all. You were not designed to be perfect, but you were designed to embrace all that you are, not just your human characteristics but also your angelic gifts! Once you have made that simple commitment, then it is time to make another commitment. To do simple things that will help you remember more fully the truth of who you are. A simple practice, perhaps 10 or 15 minutes a day where you check in with your angel self.. And finally a commitment to exploring the possibilities of who you MIGHT be, and WHAT you might be here to bring.

You see you all came with talents, skills and gifts that will help with the transformation of your planet, and NOW is the time to WAKE UP to that fact. You have more power than you dare believe, you are ANGELS all and I am right now giving you the provocation required to wake you up and bring you back on track.

So how will you bring your unique blend of talents and skills into your life more for the benefit of your community, local and global?
How will you teach the children (your own and others) of the power of love?

How will you bring love more into your everyday life, so that all around you see you as a beacon of that love?

You are all beacons of love – it is time to light the fire and to burn brightly. You are all lighthouses of love lighting the darkness. Let us here in the firmament see your lights shine. Let the beacons light across the planet, let your light SHINE! With these three simple commitments we your angels believe that you will have the most joyous and beautiful of years.

We send you love, SO MUCH LOVE. We hope you will receive this message in your hearts and we want you to know that although this message is one of action, we are not insisting that you must do this by yourselves. Oh no, dearest ones each of you have angels that walk with you. So call upon them to help and support you. They can guide you on this sometimes difficult journey, they can help you find the way. To the truth, to the light, back into LOVE.

May you have a happy and joyous new year. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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