Archive | November, 2018


I come to speak to you today as a messenger of wonderful news. I want to blow away the bastion of fear that is death, and remind you that death is not an end it is a beginning.

Love cannot die, and so therefore that which IS LOVE cannot die. You are love, made manifest and as such you cannot die either. Sure you may drop your physical form, but that is just beginning of the next transformation to being formless (your natural state by the way) and merge back into the ALL THAT IS.

Dying is a joyful experience for the soul – it knows that it is coming home. You are being absorbed back into LOVE, consumed by LOVE, dissolved in LOVE – that which was, becomes what IS – the ALL THAT IS – once again and so the cycle of creation and life is complete and it all begins again.

Death is not something to be feared it is something to be embraced – think of the most wonderful LOVING HUG you ever had, the biggest LOVE you ever experienced, that all encompassing and unconditional LOVE that you just want to melt into and lose yourself in it’s so wonderful to be in – now times that by 1,000 – and now you have some inkling of what the experience you call death is like.

All my love Emmanuel xxxx

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