Dear sweet angels i am here today to remind you of an essential truth..
All that you are, all that you are being is perfect. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not worry what others think of you because no matter what your mind and fear tells you, you ARE loved and you ARE love.
Oh dear sweet angel how I wish you could see me as I see you! I do not see your imperfections because I look not through the lens of fear but the lens of love. I see you as the magnificent angel that you are!
So maybe it is time to change what lens you use.. So you might see the truth of who you are also? Choose love and everything and everyone in the world becomes so beautiful, it is breathtaking. Just as you are when you stand in your own power, when you do not give your power away to others by fearing what they think of you. When you can remain true to yourself even when you disappoint another then you are standing in your own power, when you love yourself without need for another’s approval or love then the divine power of love is yours..
Hold true to yourself. You are enough, you are more than enough you are beautiful, and perfect just the way you are. Love your imperfections, your doubts your fears and watch them dissolve in the ocean of love that is within you. Love who you are because love IS who you are. Never apologise for being loving and kind never apologise for being in love. You are amazing..
And we, your angels applaud you every single day for daring to make a stand for love by just being the wonderful you that you are. You are very very special and you are very very loved please know that.. All my love Emmanuel and your angels xxx