Archive | Emmanuel

Be true to who you are

There are times on your planet when you are asked to step up into the fullness of your being. To step away from fear and into the arms of love.

Brave decisions need to be made.. Do you play small or do you play big? Do you expand into the next biggest version of you or do you shrink into the constraints that the world tells you are ‘the norm’?

Do you make a stand for love and be true to who you are? Or do you shy away from the difficult decisions and take fears hand?

Fear tells you it is safer to ‘play safe’ but do not choose fear, choose love. Listen to the song of your heart, listen to the sweet melody that is the truth of who you are. Be strong and be fair and be LOVE.

We applaud your journeys all of you. We know that at times it feels as if it is all too much but we promise you that it will all be ok.. Choose love and choose to be BIG.

You have no idea how amazing you all are but from where I stand all I see is the beautiful magnificent Angels you all are.

We love you, never doubt that and we are here to help you be true to who you are every single moment of every single day of your lives.. So call on us and we will help you stand up to fear and step into the fullness of the truth of who you are. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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You can come home anytime you wish!

There are times at which life on your planet can feel overwhelming. Times when things feel like they are just too much for you.

Its not easy being human and us angels absolutely understand and admire all that you put up with in your human journeys. So I thought it a good idea to remind you that you have access to the best spa in town. It is the ‘angel spa’ – and it is your home.

When things feel as if they are getting on top of you, when you are feeling the pressure and demands of life are wearing you down. When it feels as if there is no energy left to give, no respite from the ‘non-stopness’ of the world and you are just plain exhausted. Know that you can come home anytime you wish!

You see we are here with you always. You have guardian angels that are assigned specifically just for you, they are your personal guard, your personal detail of angels. They are there at your beck and call, there to support you, guide you, remind you and most importantly to LOVE YOU. And so when you feel that things are getting too much, that you are run out of energy and need to re-energise and get your vitality back, then simply ask us to help.

As you go to bed, simply contact your angels and let them know that you wish to ‘go home’ as you sleep. Then as your mind drifts off, we take you back home, to the light, to the most amazingly perfect spa that exists!

This is soul recuperation, soul reconnection and soul LOVE. When you reconnect with source, you reconnect with the all that is and reconnect with the inexhaustible supply of energy that is the love of the universe.

So just as you plug in your mobile phones at night to recharge, why not plug yourself back into the ultimate source, and go visit the ultimate spa? Then you will wake up refreshed and ready for the next exciting stage of your adventure!

All that is required is that you ask your angels before you go to sleep and we will bring you HOME. So call on us, anytime, we promise we will be there to escort you HOME.

We love you you know, very very much and we are here for you 24/7. All our love, Emmanuel and your Angels xxxx

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The Beauty of life

Don’t let the world pass you by and don’t let your life pass you by.

There is so much to be grateful for dear sweet angels and so much beauty if you will only stop and listen to sounds of the forest, the sea, the sun, the grass, the flowers.

Beauty is everywhere all around you. Its time to stop the busyness, and slip into slowlyness. When you stop enough the world stops being a blur and comes into focus. Now you can see the colours, hear the sounds, and breathe in the beauty of creation.

Did you know it was waiting just for you? The world is waiting for you to stop.

Why not stop a while, and just breathe? Breathe the beauty in, let the world feed you for a change, you are hungry are you not? So feast on that which is laid before you in this present moment, feed your hungry heart with the beauty of that which is all around you.

Let the love in, let the light in, let it all in.. be beautiful, be perfect, be YOU. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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When Love comes to call..

Because your essence is Love, so it is that you search for and attract that love into your life. You love to taste love, experience love, be IN LOVE. And yet sometimes love comes in disguise, like a badly wrapped present hidden in a some great trauma or disappointment. So the question is can you accept love even when it hurts? Even when it makes you turn away? When it makes you face your own stuff your own problems your own baggage? When you face that homeless person upon the street do you realise that that being is an angel? An angel waiting to show you love, and inspire you to love others?

Love comes to call at all hours, in many different guises – it is not just romantic, relationship, family, friends love. It is so much more, can you see through the veil of disguise to the truth beneath? Can you see behind your own mind’s tricks to see the opportunity to learn and grow that is behind its machinations?

Love comes unbidden and sometimes comes hidden, can you hear love’s call in the crying of a baby that is dying from a curable disease? Can you hear love’s call when you see a child in poverty upon your television? Can you hear love’s call in the apparent savagery that is happening upon your planet right now? When love comes to call, will you answer the door? Or when love comes to call, will you turn away and say I cannot face this today I am sorry? When love comes to call, will you face your own fears and go wherever love decides to take you?

The journey may be long, the journey may be challenging, but ultimately the journey is one of freedom. Freedom to love more fully in amongst the darkness, freedom to bring the light that is within you, to wherever it is called.

You see LOVE makes you face your fears and face your own humanity. It will bring you back to that which you need to work on in this lifetime and it will never apologise, or back down.

So what has LOVE made you face today? Will you turn away from it? Of will you walk towards it and face it with love by your side.For when you walk in love, then anything is possible, for Love is all that is.

When you start to see this truth, then you see that all will be well and all is possible. And nothing is impossible..

When love comes to call, do not turn it away, open up your heart even if it feels that it would break and let love in.. Love is so much more than you think it is, that I promise you.

All my love Emmanuel xxx

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To love, Be Loved and Be Love

I am often asked ‘Why are we here?’ ‘What is life’s purpose?’ – well today I wish to answer that more fully than I have ever before. And yet I will answer it incredibly simply and succinctly in a way that all of you can understand and appreciate and experience in your own sweet ways.

The purpose of life is:

To LOVE, to be LOVED and to BE LOVE.

There will be many adventures and challenges along the way, but if LOVE is your way, if you answer the call of LOVE wherever it takes you, if you understand that LOVE IS your destination and IS WHO YOU ARE, if you allow yourself to BE LOVED as well as loving others, and LOVE your SELF as much as you love your nearest and dearest, then I promise you that you ARE fulfilling your mission and your reason for being on this planet.

– I love you. Emmanuel xxxx

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Listen to your heart

Many people ask me ‘what is my purpose Emmanuel?’ ‘what am I here for?’ Being where I am it is easy to see the path that is laid out before those that ask such questions, but it is not within my remit to reveal this, only to prompt and encourage the asker to listen to their heart.

You see the heart is a wonderful compass, it is perfect in design. It is not just the abode of love, it is your connection to home and it is your compass on this journey of the heart.

You see you have learnt dear sweet angels to listen more readily to the voice of fear than the voice of love. Too often we see you stumbling and falling as you follow the advice of fear and ignore the calling of your heart. But all is not lost dearest ones, it is merely the case of retuning your internal radio station from to

At first when you re-tune you will need to listen in silence to hear the whisper of your heart. But soon as you begin to listen more deeply and more often so the voice of your heart will become clearer more defined and more definite in its urging.

You see your heart is the most wonderful internal satellite navigation system, it is your own personal satnav through life. Once you turn the stanav on and you begin to follow its prompts and suggestions – the route, the path toward your destination becomes clearer and clearer.

There will come a time dearest ones when you will absolutely KNOW what your destination is, you will find that all important key to the mission of your life. Your path will be laid out before you, but you will not rush, you will take your time for you will have come to understand that the Journey is just as important as arriving at your destination.

Let me clear with you, you WILL reach your destination and you WILL find your purpose. That is an inevitability, it is not in question.

So ENJOY your journey! Embrace what it is to be human and embrace the wonders of life! Your purpose is there awaiting you in the depths of your heart, it is not going anywhere.. so listen carefully to the voice of your heart, listen to the voice of love that is within you and let it guide you.

All my love Emmanuel xxx

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Loving who you are

There is no better time than NOW to choose to love who you are.

Do not dilly, do not dally, do not procrastinate or put it off till later.

Do it NOW.

Go on, me and your angels dare you.

Shout as loud as you dare, shout it now – I LOVE WHO I AM! –

This may not be a long message, but it is a profound one.

Love who you are and the world will change.
For as you change all that is around you changes. You literally change the ‘reality’ of your world, not only for yourself, but also for those around you and even for people you have never met!

Love is not a choice. Love is the way.
Choose love and choose love of yourself above all others. Self-love allows you to love others in a bigger, more freeing way. It allows you to shine and as you shine so you give others the permission to shine too. So dare to shine, and dare to LOVE WHO YOU ARE.

We do.
We LOVE who you are.
And always will.
Know that.
All our love, your angels and me.. Emmanuel xxxx

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Life is not a Test

There are many of you right now who feel that you are being tested, being pushed to prove something to the ‘all that is’ and I wanted to say that truly you are not.

This is not a test, we are not testing you. We are only loving and supporting you on your journeys. We are aware that things are difficult, demanding, challenging right now for you all, and I want you to know that it is not some grand ‘test’ to see if you are worthy or good enough to evolve to the next level in your own evolution. Actually the apparent difficulties right now are not put there by us, but created by humanity itself, this is the divine dichotomy of the universe’s concept of free will. You have free will to do what you wish whilst in this incarnation, and right now that free will is taking you down some blind alleys and reaching the inevitable dead ends.

So what can you do about the apparent difficulties you are facing? Well, first of all you can start to make some more conscious choices. Right now many of you are caught in the sticky web of fear, fear of losing your job, fear of not having enough to get by, fear of losing your home, fear of failing somehow. When you are caught in the web of fear it is almost as if you are paralysed by fear’s grip and the decisions and choices that you make are subconscious rather than conscious. There is no thought in the choices you are making only passive automatic learned responses. Once you become aware and more conscious of your choices, the likelihood is that you will make different choices. THAT is when your life will begin to change, THAT is when we your angels and the universe itself can step in and begin to lend a hand.

You see we cannot interfere when you are caught in the illusion of separateness and yet as soon as you make conscious choices and become active in your own life decisions at that point a bridge appears between our two worlds. You at that very point become the co-creator of your life and we can then help to shape and carve a new path of purpose together with you.

If you are feeling stuck right now, if you are finding life hard or difficult, the likelihood is that it is time to THINK more consciously about the choices you are making. Are you working because you fear losing your job? Or are you working because you love what you do? Are you fearful about not having enough money? Or are you noticing that you have enough to get by?

There are two sponsoring thoughts when it comes to life on your planet the first is LOVE and the second is FEAR. When you become more conscious of the choices you are making in your life, ask yourself, is this thought, this choice being made from FEAR or from LOVE? Then you have a choice.. and you have an opportunity to create a different version of your life.

You are the creator!

And we, are your helpers.. You are Michealangelo designing and painting the sistine chapel – a work of genius I am sure most of you would agree.. but do you think Michaelangelo painted every brush stroke? Mixed every colour? Drew every line? No, of course he did not, he had many assistants and helpers that helped him to create his masterpiece. Your life is your masterpiece, and WE your angel are your assistants, your helpers. We can help you create the most wonderful life for yourselves, if you would only let us.

Do you believe that you can have what you want?

Do you believe that you CAN design and create the life you want?

THAT dearest ones is the best use of FREE WILL, using it to create a life that allows you to shine, allows you to be the truth of who you really are in all that you do..

So know that I and your angels are with you every step of the way. Holding you, loving you, supporting and guiding you. All my love, Emmanuel xxxx

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Fighting the good fight

Today I wish to remind you to keep on fighting the good fight.. Keep on fighting for a new version of your planet, keep on working towards a new vision with a brighter future. There is much turmoil right now on your planet and if you choose to look for it, you will find many reasons to doubt and fear what is to come. But I am the tider of good news dearest angels, for I am here to remind you that the future of your planet is in the best hands, for it is in YOUR hands and it is you, all of you that hold the future of your planet within those hands.

”But Emmanuel that’s an awfully heavy burden to carry – you mean we own our own destiny? That its down to us? But look at what a rubbish job we are doing of it already? And can’t we get a little help down here? Do we have to do everything ourselves??”

Well, let me take these one at a time – is it a heavy burden? Not really, for all you must do is live a life of love and love is not a burdensome thing, love is light, and light is love. And if you do find it getting a little heavy, then share it – share it with your friends, group together and do something to lighten that load. AND do not forget that also we, your angels are here to help carry your burdens as I have mentioned before in a previous message, so please feel free to load us up, we are happy to carry your loads! – So no you are not alone and help IS at hand I promise, just call on us and each other and you will never be alone!

Do you own your own destiny? – absolutely, but do not see this as an onerous task, see it as an opportunity to shine your light wherever you go, whenever you can. It is not hard to do that, in fact it is easier to shine than it is to hide your light. And by the way from where I stand up here in the all that is, you are doing a most excellent job in difficult circumstances, do not do yourselves down!

We your angels applaud all that you do and marvel at your progress despite all that is thrown at you to try and bar your progress. So please take this as an opportunity to celebrate your successes and celebrate all that you are, you are remarkable! I mean that most whole heartedly, we are so grateful for all the wonderful work you are doing.

So keep on fighting the good fight, you ARE winning the battle. The army of love is marching to victory, so keep on being who you are and doing what you do. You are working miracles, and you ARE changing the planet for good. Thankyou my fellow angels, thank you!

All my love Emmanuel xxx

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Keep going you are making a difference

I know that at times you doubt that what you are doing is making a difference. With so many dark things happening on your planet it is easy to get caught in the mistaken assumption that perhaps what you are doing is not changing the world. So I am here today to say that this is simply not the case. Everything you do is small piece by small piece changing the landscape of your planet. You are changing the world, and you ARE making a difference. We, your angels DO notice and we do so applaud the work that you do! Sometimes it is difficult to see it when you are so close to it, but from where I stand you are all doing remarkably well!

We your angels are so so grateful for the wonderful work you do. So please carry on, it IS worth it and it DOES make a difference.

You will see, we promise, in time, the great strides that mankind is making right now as a direct result of the wonderful life work you are undertaking. So keep the faith, and keep on doing what you do so well. Keep shining and keep being a beacon for others to follow.

Its not easy being in the vanguard, its not easy to carve the path for others to follow. At times it feels like you are lost in the jungle down there but I promise you, you are not. There is a path already laid out before you, we have done some of the ground work and we promise there will be a clearing ahead for you to rest and recover yourselves soon. You see, you are not alone on your journey, on your mission. There is a great team devoted to ensuring the successes of your mission on the planet. We are part of that team, your angels and I. So do not worry, all is well, you are doing remarkably well and we, your angels are so incredibly proud of all that you are doing and have done.

So take this message as an opportunity to celebrate all that you are and treat your-self, your angel self and your human self to something extra special as a reward, because you so deserve a reward for all that you are doing for your planet’s evolution. We thank you for all that you are and are so admirous of the wondrous purposeful work that you do!

All our love, Emmanuel and your angels xxxxx

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