Author Archive | Emmanuel

In LOVE there is nothing to fear

Hello dear sweet angels, today I wish to write to you on the subject of love. A particular favourite of mine as I’m sure all of you have come to be aware! When you are IN LOVE There is nothing to fear and nothing fear can show you or tell you that can shake being in that place called love.

‘Love conquers all’ so many of your great writers and philosophers and saints have told you this but is it really true?

Sure your heart yearns to believe in that and yet, your earthly minds are bombarded with images of fear and fear has a strong voice in your media and your cultures and so you learn to listen to fear when it tells you that ‘it will keep you safe’ and ‘keep you away from hurt and pain’. You feel as if you need to be careful, be on your toes, protect yourself from the big bad world out there. But I am here to tell you that the greatest protection you can have, the greatest guard from hurt, pain, and yes even fear itself is LOVE.

Love has become a much diluted version of itself on your planet.. You confuse love with romantic attachment, and the two are just not the same. Sure, romance can lead you into the place called love but it all too often is a love that comes with conditions, ‘I can be in love when I am with you, but I am lost without you’, ‘if you love me, change for me’, ‘If you loved me, you would..’ and yet, the truth is that true love knows no conditions it just IS. And love is literally the ALL THAT IS! Love is God and God is love, the two words are inter-transferable for God and love are one and the same thing.

Love is not a small thing, not a weak co-dependent thing that requires another, Love is all that there is, and is the most powerful force that exists.

Love is all powerful and all consuming, it literally consumes all before it! Nothing can stand in the face of true love and not be absorbed into it. Like a super-massive ‘light’ hole it devours darkness and brings the light.

So step into love, it really DOES conquer all! How does one do that? Well the first step is to fall back in love with your own dear sweet self. Learn to love your self again, the true journey of love is an inward one not an outward one.

When you truly love yourself you reconnect with the all powerful love that is the all that is, and love is all around you and within you. No emotion, fear or attachment can exist when faced with such love. Sure, there will be times when you slip, when you fall, when you get caught up in the drama of life, but that is totally ok! Did you hear me?? I said it’s ok to make mistakes and be human, in fact that is absolutely what you are here to be! So don’t beat yourself up when you fall, when you forget, simply celebrate the fact that you have remembered that you have forgotten and reach out your hand and ask for our help. Laugh, because laughter pushes away fear and ensures that you will not pick up that stick that you all too often beat yourself up with.

Do not listen to the negative voices in your head, that is fear’s voice. Listen to the song of your heart, the sweet melody, that lifts you up and holds you in its embrace when you fall. The voice that says ‘come on, you can do this!’ The voice that says ‘nevermind, these kinds of things happen to everyone’ and the voice that says ‘ok so that happened, so what? Let’s get back up, dust ourselves off and get back on the horse!’

And remember that we you angels will be there to pull you back to your feet, for we are always there with you every step of the way. We love you you know and we are so very proud of the brave things you do every single day! We are here to help you to step into the fullness of your being, and we are here to love you unconditionally and help you to find that place called LOVE that is within you, the love that conquers all and consumes all.. We love you!

Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Don’t make it hard work..

There is a general misunderstanding that in order to be spiritual you must ‘work hard’ at it. This quite simply put is a fallacy. If you think that you must be austere with yourself be that in thoughts word or deed/practice then I am sorry to say but you are ‘doing’ it wrong!

Firstly the spiritual journey is not designed to be hard! Yes there are challenges along the way and lessons to take on board but it’s not designed to be hard it is designed to be the easy path. Already I hear your minds go into flux

‘but Emmanuel surely we must work on ourselves to attain enlightenment? Is that not what all the holy books say?’

No! You do not need to work on yourselves you need to LOVE yourselves! THE most important spiritual ‘work’ (and we would much rather you called it play by the way!) you have to do is to fall completely and utterly head over heels in love not with another but with your own dear sweet selves. Then when you are full to the brim with self-love THEN you will discover that life and the spiritual journey are not hard work but blissful and joyful. Laughter will become your soundtrack as you dance through life.

Will their be tough and demanding days? Of course because the human adventure will always have its ups and downs and sometimes you need kicks to grow. But you know when you are in that place called love with yourself it is amazing how much simpler and easier life becomes.

Many ‘teachers’ will tell you that the spiritual path is a difficult one that requires dedication, graft and practice practice practice! But I say that all you need do is practice loving you, all of you.. The good bits, the bad bits, the crazy bits, the emotional bits, the wrinkly bits, the wobbly bits.. Love all that you are because all that you are is very special indeed and when you love yourself fully? Then you become enlightened.. Literally ‘with light’ because your inner light, will be beaming forth for you are a being of light and so nothing is more simple or more easy than being enlightened!!

I love you, and so do your angels! ? Emmanuel xxxx


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Love who you are

Dear sweet angels i am here today to remind you of an essential truth..

All that you are, all that you are being is perfect. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not worry what others think of you because no matter what your mind and fear tells you, you ARE loved and you ARE love.

Oh dear sweet angel how I wish you could see me as I see you! I do not see your imperfections because I look not through the lens of fear but the lens of love. I see you as the magnificent angel that you are!

So maybe it is time to change what lens you use.. So you might see the truth of who you are also? Choose love and everything and everyone in the world becomes so beautiful, it is breathtaking. Just as you are when you stand in your own power, when you do not give your power away to others by fearing what they think of you. When you can remain true to yourself even when you disappoint another then you are standing in your own power, when you love yourself without need for another’s approval or love then the divine power of love is yours..

Hold true to yourself. You are enough, you are more than enough you are beautiful, and perfect just the way you are. Love your imperfections, your doubts your fears and watch them dissolve in the ocean of love that is within you. Love who you are because love IS who you are. Never apologise for being loving and kind never apologise for being in love. You are amazing..

And we, your angels applaud you every single day for daring to make a stand for love by just being the wonderful you that you are. You are very very special and you are very very loved please know that.. All my love Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Be true to who you are

There are times on your planet when you are asked to step up into the fullness of your being. To step away from fear and into the arms of love.

Brave decisions need to be made.. Do you play small or do you play big? Do you expand into the next biggest version of you or do you shrink into the constraints that the world tells you are ‘the norm’?

Do you make a stand for love and be true to who you are? Or do you shy away from the difficult decisions and take fears hand?

Fear tells you it is safer to ‘play safe’ but do not choose fear, choose love. Listen to the song of your heart, listen to the sweet melody that is the truth of who you are. Be strong and be fair and be LOVE.

We applaud your journeys all of you. We know that at times it feels as if it is all too much but we promise you that it will all be ok.. Choose love and choose to be BIG.

You have no idea how amazing you all are but from where I stand all I see is the beautiful magnificent Angels you all are.

We love you, never doubt that and we are here to help you be true to who you are every single moment of every single day of your lives.. So call on us and we will help you stand up to fear and step into the fullness of the truth of who you are. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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You can come home anytime you wish!

There are times at which life on your planet can feel overwhelming. Times when things feel like they are just too much for you.

Its not easy being human and us angels absolutely understand and admire all that you put up with in your human journeys. So I thought it a good idea to remind you that you have access to the best spa in town. It is the ‘angel spa’ – and it is your home.

When things feel as if they are getting on top of you, when you are feeling the pressure and demands of life are wearing you down. When it feels as if there is no energy left to give, no respite from the ‘non-stopness’ of the world and you are just plain exhausted. Know that you can come home anytime you wish!

You see we are here with you always. You have guardian angels that are assigned specifically just for you, they are your personal guard, your personal detail of angels. They are there at your beck and call, there to support you, guide you, remind you and most importantly to LOVE YOU. And so when you feel that things are getting too much, that you are run out of energy and need to re-energise and get your vitality back, then simply ask us to help.

As you go to bed, simply contact your angels and let them know that you wish to ‘go home’ as you sleep. Then as your mind drifts off, we take you back home, to the light, to the most amazingly perfect spa that exists!

This is soul recuperation, soul reconnection and soul LOVE. When you reconnect with source, you reconnect with the all that is and reconnect with the inexhaustible supply of energy that is the love of the universe.

So just as you plug in your mobile phones at night to recharge, why not plug yourself back into the ultimate source, and go visit the ultimate spa? Then you will wake up refreshed and ready for the next exciting stage of your adventure!

All that is required is that you ask your angels before you go to sleep and we will bring you HOME. So call on us, anytime, we promise we will be there to escort you HOME.

We love you you know, very very much and we are here for you 24/7. All our love, Emmanuel and your Angels xxxx

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The Beauty of life

Don’t let the world pass you by and don’t let your life pass you by.

There is so much to be grateful for dear sweet angels and so much beauty if you will only stop and listen to sounds of the forest, the sea, the sun, the grass, the flowers.

Beauty is everywhere all around you. Its time to stop the busyness, and slip into slowlyness. When you stop enough the world stops being a blur and comes into focus. Now you can see the colours, hear the sounds, and breathe in the beauty of creation.

Did you know it was waiting just for you? The world is waiting for you to stop.

Why not stop a while, and just breathe? Breathe the beauty in, let the world feed you for a change, you are hungry are you not? So feast on that which is laid before you in this present moment, feed your hungry heart with the beauty of that which is all around you.

Let the love in, let the light in, let it all in.. be beautiful, be perfect, be YOU. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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When Love comes to call..

Because your essence is Love, so it is that you search for and attract that love into your life. You love to taste love, experience love, be IN LOVE. And yet sometimes love comes in disguise, like a badly wrapped present hidden in a some great trauma or disappointment. So the question is can you accept love even when it hurts? Even when it makes you turn away? When it makes you face your own stuff your own problems your own baggage? When you face that homeless person upon the street do you realise that that being is an angel? An angel waiting to show you love, and inspire you to love others?

Love comes to call at all hours, in many different guises – it is not just romantic, relationship, family, friends love. It is so much more, can you see through the veil of disguise to the truth beneath? Can you see behind your own mind’s tricks to see the opportunity to learn and grow that is behind its machinations?

Love comes unbidden and sometimes comes hidden, can you hear love’s call in the crying of a baby that is dying from a curable disease? Can you hear love’s call when you see a child in poverty upon your television? Can you hear love’s call in the apparent savagery that is happening upon your planet right now? When love comes to call, will you answer the door? Or when love comes to call, will you turn away and say I cannot face this today I am sorry? When love comes to call, will you face your own fears and go wherever love decides to take you?

The journey may be long, the journey may be challenging, but ultimately the journey is one of freedom. Freedom to love more fully in amongst the darkness, freedom to bring the light that is within you, to wherever it is called.

You see LOVE makes you face your fears and face your own humanity. It will bring you back to that which you need to work on in this lifetime and it will never apologise, or back down.

So what has LOVE made you face today? Will you turn away from it? Of will you walk towards it and face it with love by your side.For when you walk in love, then anything is possible, for Love is all that is.

When you start to see this truth, then you see that all will be well and all is possible. And nothing is impossible..

When love comes to call, do not turn it away, open up your heart even if it feels that it would break and let love in.. Love is so much more than you think it is, that I promise you.

All my love Emmanuel xxx

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The greatest love is self-love

There is no greater love on the planet than self-love.
Yes of course it is lovely to give and receive love but ultimately that love must start with yourself.

You see when you love yourself fully and totally, then all other love is a bonus. Now we know that this is perhaps easier said than done in your world, however we promise you that when you fall back in love with yourself and all your perceived imperfections that you will find that life and everything in it becomes that bit easier.

We know that many of your struggle with the concept of self-love.

“Isn’t self love selfish Emmanuel?” – yes it is and I am here today to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being selfish!

You see so many of you give your love away but you leave your own tank of love running on empty and there is not enough at the end of the day for your own dear sweet selves. Because you ARE love then it is important to keep topping up that tank, filling yourself with love so that then when you give, you give more freely, more abundantly and without condition or needs or wants.

So being selfish is actually a good thing, because when you fill yourself first you will then have so much more to give to those you love and even to those that you do not know! Random acts of kindness and love come spontaneously when you are full of love. You are no longer dependent on the love of others, you can see the dance, the intertwined webs of relationships and needs and desires. You begin to understand that LOVE is not an external but an INTERNAL thing. You must give love firstly to yourself, then to others.

Dear sweet angel know that we your angels love you, unconditionally. You are SO LOVED and SO HELD by the all that is.

Simply close your eyes now, and feel that love as it flows from us to you.. Really, let that love in, let yourself be nourished and given to. You see everyone deserves to be happy, deserves to be loved. So LOVE WHO YOU ARE, you are a beautiful, magnificent angel, who is very loveable, very loveable indeed!

All our love, Emmanuel and your angels xxxx

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Believe In Love

For almost every ailment upon your planet there is one simple answer. It is of course.. LOVE. There are many of you right now in the grip of fear, fear of finances, fear of failure, fear of a loss of love, fear of losing your job, fear of not having enough, fear, fear fear FEAR.

Let me tell you now, that FEAR is not real, it is your own creation. So let it go, just as you let your every out breath go, let FEAR go too. It is an illusion it is not real it is only as real as you let it be.

‘But Emmanuel’ I hear one of your sweet minds step in ‘my financial problems are absolutely real’ Maybe they are or maybe you need to change your relationship to them.

When you talk of relationship, it is important to know that FEAR should not be allowed in to any relationship, be that with another angel, with your money, with your children.

There is a disease of fear right now, it is like a FOG that is choking your planet and choking your own inner self. It is time to stop believing in fear and start believing in LOVE. LOVE might I just point out is not wishy-washy it is all powerful more powerful than you can believe and when you let yourself go into that love there is nothing more powerful to be surrounded in that love, to float on the waves of that ocean of LOVE.

LOVE feels like HOME.

It feels natural, because love is your true nature, you were born to LOVE not to fear. Yes, there is a predominance of fear on your planet right now, but we your angels implore you not to believe what you see and hear. To trust your hearts’ wisdom, the knowing that you have in the core of your being.

When you follow LOVE’s call there maybe dramas, their maybe difficulties and challenges along the way, but that is all your human stuff, your story/your drama being played out, it will only hold you back if you allow it to. So let go, let go into the flow of love. Don’t let the everyday overwhelm and drown you, realise that we are here arms outstretched on the bank of that river of emotion, there is a safety line of love and all you need do is pull on that safety line and you will be pulled immediately to safety.

It is a mistake to think that you must face your fears by yourself, there is a team of angels (both earthly angels in form and real angels not in form) that are here to help you and support you through the daily challenges you face. There is nothing that is sent you that you have to deal with alone. And there is nothing that is sent you in your life that you cannot deal with – that we promise and I promise you that when you choose love over fear the fog WILL Lift and things will become clearer again.

You see behind the fog of fear there is the bright sunshine of LOVE. Let the rays of love cut through your fear, dissipate that fog and let yourself breathe easy again, safe in the knowledge that we your angels are with you.

LOVE is a way of life, it is a choice. So choose LOVE today.

Is there someone that needs your love right now? Even if that person is you, please share your love freely. For TRUE Love has no conditions and if you are feeling that your life is out of control, merely focus on that which you LOVE, that which brings you JOY, that which brings you closer to what you know to be the truth of who you are.

Do not fear LOVE, I promise you cannot drown in LOVE, yes it can move you, it can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it will never drown you. It will only ever lift you up, into the higher you, the Angel you.

You are angels all, yes even you, dear sweet angel reading this!

It is time to believe in something different. Its time to believe in who you are and believe in LOVE. Believe in LOVE and LOVE will never let you down.

LOVE is eternal it is the very fabric of the universe and it is what you are made from. You are LOVE in form. SO LOVE BEING IN FORM and choose LOVE today over fear. Whatever the choice, always follow your heart and choose love and you will not go far wrong, in fact you will be moving forward towards your ultimate destination, which is of course uncovering the truth of who you are.. and who are you?? You are an angel and you are love personified. So stop believing what FEAR whispers in your ears, when you choose LOVE everything becomes possible, there is nothing that is impossible.

So right now, chose to believe in something better, something more beautiful and more powerful than anything in existence on your planet or indeed in the universe as a whole.


Believe in LOVE because LOVE believes in you. You know why you are reading this message today, and you know now what you have to do..

I love you all so very much, Emmanuel xxxxx

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Do not doubt, do not fear, you are in safe hands

Dearest sweet angels, this morning I am here to remind you that you are held.. You are supported and you are held. You are held by eternity, and you are supported and guided (should you ask for help) by us, your angel brothers and sisters.

I know that at times the human journey can feel like a lonely one, but I promise you it is not! You are not alone, you have your own personal detail of angels that are assigned to you that look after you and love you and HOLD YOU. So do not doubt, do not fear, for you are in VERY safe hands!

What does this mean in practise?

Well, dearest sweet angels it means that everything in your life happens for a reason. It means that once you ask for help (And please do remember that us angels can only help if you ask for it, we cannot interfere in the free will of being human on your planet!) we can be there to help support and guide you on your journey. You need only ask and there we are, your angelic support team.

We have a vast library of knowledge, wisdom and love to tap into, we have access to the ‘all that is’ – so call on us as there’s not much we haven’t seen or helped with over the eternity that we have been doing this supporting role. We delight in helping when we can and we delight in doing all we can to ensure that you remember the truth of who you are and remember the divine mission that you are here to complete. So when you think that mission is a mission impossible, I promise you that with us by your side (and we are ALWAYS by your side) then ALL IS POSSIBLE and in fact NOTHING is impossible!

You see you are not here to struggle or worry, although these may be emotions that you have felt recently, and that is perfectly fine as one of the side-effects of being human is the gamut of human emotions that come with being in a body! However let those emotions move through you, like a wave gently crashing upon the shore. Once the wave of emotion (remember emotion means ‘things that move me’ if you block them they will not dissipate they will only grow stronger) is allowed free passage then I promise you that the wave will dissipate and you can return to your mission.

So allow emotions, and do not fear them, they are there as part of the deal of being human, just let the wave crash and then gently you will feel the emotion recede back into the ocean of love that IS you.

Right now you are forgetting just how magnificent an angel you are! You are love personified (quite literally LOVE in form!) and therefore there is nothing you cannot do, there is no mission impossible for you. And when things get tough, when they get a little difficult, when the challenge feels too much, when you feel as if you are being overwhelmed, well NOW you know that you have a support team of angels on call 24/7.

All you need to do is ask and we are there, holding you and supporting you, guiding you back to your path, aiding you in your earthly mission! So do not fear, do not doubt, do not worry, they do not bring solace, but an angels’ wings do!

Remember you are in our embrace and you are in safe hands.. I promise you. Much love Emmanuel xxxx

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