Author Archive | Emmanuel

Today is the day to believe in YOU

Belief is a strange thing is it not? It is easy to believe in others, but less so to truly trust and believe in your own dear sweet selves. It is easy to be kind to others, to love others, to believe in them, and yet when it comes to you, you are not so forthcoming and loving and kind..

I wanted you to know that I and those that angels that walk with you ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE IN YOU.

We have no doubt that you are a walking ambassador of love upon your planet, yes.. YOU the angel that is reading this RIGHT NOW!

We have faith in you, and we have faith in the whole of mankind.

I know that at times it may appear that the world has gone a little crazy, that darkness is beginning to prevail, but I promise you that it is not. Sure their are shadows upon your planet, but when the sun shines so brightly as it does today are there not always areas of shadow and darkness? It is important to get everything back into perspective and from where I stand there is more light than darkness not only upon your planet but in YOU.

If you were to ask your friends, your children, your family if THEY believed in you? They would almost to a fault say OF COURSE WE DO SILLY!! So isn’t it time that you began to have faith in yourself? To trust yourself more fully, to yes.. I will say it – LOVE YOURSELF MORE FULLY? Isn’t it time to dive into the ocean of love that you ARE and say YES?! You are so beautiful you know, you are a magnificent angel, you are god made manifest upon your planet, you are quite literally HEAVEN ON EARTH. So what better time than NOW to say YES to who you really are, say YES to your imperfections, your human frailties, say YES to the LOVE that called you here in the first place, say YES to daring to follow your dreams and YES to all that you have been, are right now and all that you are BECOMING.

You are a blossom beginning to bud, a beautiful flower breathing in the rays of the sun, waiting for the call of LOVE to bloom. Well here is that call, the sun is shining, the phone is ringing.. will you answer it?

‘Hello?’ You say as you pick up the receiver..

‘Hello dear sweet angel’ comes the reply, ‘are you ready to believe in you?’ it enquires, with a voice so sweet, so filled with love that it is impossible to resist.

“You know what?” you reply with a rush of excitement “I do believe i AM!”

and with that the whole universe bursts into spontaneous applause and angels dance in the hallways of eternity!

Today another angel gets its wings, today another beacon of light is lit upon your planet, today you dared to believe in YOU. So go on, we, your angels dare you, we believe in you.. so TODAY (not tomorrow or the next day but TODAY!) is the day to start believing in YOU. Oh what fun awaits you, when you just BELIEVE!

All my love Emmanuel xxx

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Loving the unkown

One of the difficult things about being human is that you come with this thing attached, built into the body you inhabit, that is called your mind, and in that mind of yours resides the ego. The ego likes to KNOW everything, the mind likes to figure out where everything is coming from and to.

Now don’t get me wrong ego and the mind are essential to survive on your planet, but not something that helps you to thrive! You humans are conditioned early on that if you don’t know something that is ‘bad’, its important to ‘know’ things and that knowledge is power. However true power exists beyond knowledge, in the wisdom of the ages, in the truth that is impossible to know.

Many people are so busy trying to figure life out, trying to know what is happening and why, that they are missing life entirely. It feels like one test after another, one problem to mull over and attempt to solve before another comes your way. But you see this is somewhat missing that which is there, here and now in front of you and laid out before you. The universe doesn’t work in linear lines, simple logical equations, it just IS. Its not a step by step process, a+b does not necessarily = ab, it could be a,b,c or d or indeed any number of possibilities as the universe is a place of limitless potential.

Its not your job to figure out what life is ‘doing to you’ or where the next thing in your life is coming from. You don’t need to know where the next bit of money is coming from, the next job, the next relationship, the next bump in the road, the next joyous cause of celebration. Your job, your only job is to enjoy each precious moment of your life.

Love it, like you love your beloved.

Let it be, let it flow, be a perfect part of it, but don’t try to figure it out, leave that to US. The universe is infinitely wiser (and quite a bit bigger) than your ‘know it all’ mind, so trust it, and trust in us those angels that walk with you to help make it all work.

Note I’m not saying that you be passive.. be active, be active in LOVING life and LOVING THE UNKNOWN.

Its OK not to know – whatever happened to ‘delighting in the mysteries of life?’ – life isn’t meant to be perfect, its meant to be lived. So live your life, IN LOVE. Live this moment, the next moment and the next. Get over your need to know everything, to figure it all out, or you’ll just give yourself a headache!!

Its time to let it go, and trust that the ALL THAT IS has it far better mapped out and figured out than you could ever possibly imagine it yourself. Trust me when I say, that right now there’s something waiting for you, so stop thinking, stop your worrying and start being.

I love you all.. keep smiling, and keep on loving the adventure. All my love, Emmanuel xxx

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Dealing with disappointment

Whenever something happens that is unexpected, that is perhaps disappointing, that perhaps makes you feel let down or not supported. Please know that it was NOT the universe and us your angels that sent it to you, and you are most certainly supported still absolutely.

We’re not in the habit of sending presents that are THAT badly wrapped. Sure we like you to learn and grow and that is why sometimes things come into your life that help you to do that. But do not think that you are being singled out for punishment or that you have done anything wrong, because something does not turn up in the way you expected it to. I promise you that is NOT the case.

Know that whatever happens in your life is an opportunity to open and surrender more deeply to what you know in your heart, to what you know in your heart of hearts. Yes sometimes life can be disappointing, yes, sometimes you can feel let down, but I want to re-iterate to you that our support and love for you never waivers.

We are not the senders of disappointment, disappointment is created in your own intellect and is a human concept, not an angelic one.

The ‘all that is’ does not send things to upset or hurt you or to punish you, that is just not the way things work.

The all that is and we your angels, send you nothing but love.

Unconditional love.

There’s a clue in that word, did you notice it?

LOVE that is UNCONDITIONAL – without conditions.

So why would the all that is send you disappointment? Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that comes into your life comes for a reason. What do you take from your current disappointment? Is it an opportunity to learn something new? Or move past something that is an old pattern for you? Is it a chance to shift into a new way of working or living? Is it just something making space for something bigger and more wonderful to come in? Whatever the reason, there is no need to agonise over it, trust me when I say that the ‘all that is’ knows what it is doing, and although it may not make sense right now, all will be revealed and the wisdom will be uncovered within even the mightiest of disappointments with time.

I am saying this to you all today, because I want to remind you that life is not a test. You cannot fail. You have done nothing wrong, and no matter what you think is going on, I promise you everything is WAY better than you imagine it to be.

So take a moment, to close your eyes, to listen with your heart and hear what we are saying to you now. ‘All Will be well, we promise you, dear sweet angel’.

You ARE held, and although you are feeling that things have slipped a little, I promise you that they have not. All will be revealed and all WILL BE WELL.

If you cannot trust yourself, then trust in us. Ask us in, ask for our help we will be here for you. You are held and you are supported and you are loved. UNCONDITIONALLY.

So when disappointment comes to call, choose love and we will be there to support you through the process and out through to the other side.. into LOVE.
All our love Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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What are you doing ‘on purpose’ today?

Hello everyone, its been a while, but here I am again to give you a friendly reminder that life is for living, loving and for doing what you came here to do.

Life is a constant unfolding wonder, so embrace that wonder and live more ‘on purpose’.

What does ‘living on purpose’ really mean? And can you really be ‘on purpose’ everyday? Absolutely! Because it is the essence of who you are. You were born to be purposeful, you were born with a seed inside of you, a grain of absolute truth that is waiting to be nurtured and fed, watered and grown! That seed is the seed of your purpose, what you are here to be, what you are here to do, what you are here to grow into and remember.

You see being ‘on purpose’ is not as big as your minds make it. It does not require you to do something incredibly worthy and save someone’s life everyday. It simply asks you to step more into the truth of who you are, to dare to buck the trend of your society and be kind, be loving, and care for those that you come across during your day.

And that dearest ones also includes YOU! How many times will you internally curse yourself or put yourself down today? Isn’t it time that you were kind to you? Isn’t it time that you gave yourself the LOVE that you so richly deserve?

Being on purpose, is being mindful of what you are doing, taking time to notice the smaller things in life. The beauty of the flower, the smile on your child’s face, the taste of the food you are sharing with your loved ones, the blue of the sky, the feel of the rain upon your skin.

Do not walk blindly through life, stop, take notice, breathe, laugh, giggle, delight, enjoy and LOVE. Let your-self be more free, that is what it is to be ‘on purpose’ everyday. Just by stopping and noticing you can fall in Love with so many other angels around you that come into your life or are in your life already.

So rather than rushing, why not STOP and become more aware of what you are actually doing and how you are being? When you do that you are automatically more ‘on purpose’ because when you stop and observe, you are much more likely to come from the heart and be more kind, loving and caring.

Why? Because it is in your very nature to be so!

I love you, and look forward to spending more time with you all again!  – in peace and love Emmanuel xxx

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The only way to conquer fear, is to love it to death

In your world right now, you are being asked fundamental questions about your very existence. Are you here to hate and create destruction or are you here to love and spread compassion? Are you ONE human race or are you many different countries, religions or factions?

Whatever happens on your planet happens for a reason. What you are being asked every single time is ‘what do you stand for?’ ‘what do you believe you are really here for?’ ‘who are you really?’ ‘what do you choose now?’ – are you someone who answers violence with violence? Or are you someone who makes a stand for a different more peaceful way of being? Are you united in fear and its consequences? Or are you united in LOVE?

LOVE is not wishy-washy it is not saying ‘it is OK’, love is all powerful, the greatest power in the universe! Love is sometimes daring to say: “NO!” – NO! we will not stand this, we will show how even in the depths of fear we will not give in. We will not give in to the machinations of the fearful mind and bugle cry of fear, we will not march to war, we will listen to our hearts and unite as one to fight the biggest enemy, which is fear! Our hearts’ are breaking yes, because we see such horror and pain before our very eyes. And still we will hear love’s call and stand united as one and say NO!” NO to fear, NO to war, NO to violence.

If you think that us angels are gentle, you are wrong, if you feel that the journey of the heart is always gentle then you are wrong. There are times in your planet’s evolution that you are being asked to make a stand. A stand for what you believe the future could be like. This is an opportunity to make an evolutionary leap – So what DO you stand for?

It is time to stand up and be counted, it is time to say “ENOUGH! I wish for us to seek a new way of being, one that reaches out to that part of humanity that is so disaffected, and bring them, like a lost sheep back into the fold.”

LOVE is the only way, fear only breeds more fear, violence begets more violence. So make a stand for LOVE. Be a peaceful warrior. Join the army of LOVE today join me, in saying prayers and sending LOVE to those Angels that will be affected by the choices and decisions being made.

Remember this moment in time, and remember that you had a choice.. Did you choose LOVE or did you choose fear? You will have further choices to elect those that represent you in the future. Will you choose those that continue the cycle of fear and violence or will you choose those that look to a new, more peaceful and loving way of being in the world? Those that are destructive or those that are constructive?

You have a greater power than you think. So use that power, and use it wisely, make a positive choice for LOVE today. And please say prayers and light a candle for the angels that will be facing the consequences of your leaders decisions, hold them in your prayers and in your heart, that their journey home may be a peaceful one.

All my love, Emmanuel xxx

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All will be well

There is no doubt that in your life now, there will be difficulties and dramas of one sort or another going on. Its the nature of the human journey for there to be bumps in the road, and off-path adventures to be had!

The human experience is a full-on emotional rollercoaster at times, and that IS how it is supposed to be. Its not supposed to be simple, perfect, easy ALL the time (although it is often much more simple than how you make it, and you can have perfection quite a lot of the time if you choose it!) – Life is by its very nature designed to have its ups and its downs. If there were no down, how would you experience the up? If there were no lows how would you experience the highs? It would be dull indeed to just have one dimension to your life.

The world that you live in is one of opposites, hot-cold, love-fear, up-down, positive-negative, and your purpose is not to find perfection or the highest place to be but to find equilibrium, peace and most of all to be in LOVE.

You see no matter what ‘shows up’ in your life, know that it is you or your higher angel-self that has brought it to you. There are no accidents, there are no mistakes. So whatever comes into your life, comes for a reason. Do not agonize over why, just gently accept, and learn and grow from whatever comes.. you are never sent anything that you cannot deal with, this we promise.

Sure, there are times when you are stretched to your limits, but are not limits not there to be stretched? Is that not how one grows and expands into the next biggest version of who you are? But what when you are pushed beyond your breaking point? I hear your minds cry out! Well sometimes you must break down that which you think you are, so that you might crack open and allow the real you, the angelic you, to emerge like a flower daring to poke up out of the snow as winter turns into spring.

You see you are always blossoming, you are always learning and we your angels applaud your progress every step of the way. You are remarkable, and we are so admirous of you! You are a real star, a magnificent angel of whom we are so very proud!

So please hear that whatever is happening right now in your lives.. ALL WILL BE WELL. I promise, that anything that comes into your life is not so that you might shrink away, to make you smaller, but to help you to take that next step, that next leap forwards with your growth.. It is another opportunity to say YES! And another staging post on the Journey home.

I love you all, so very much -Emmanuel xxx

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Being brave

When you are feeling that life is testing you, when you feel you are being asked to take that next step. Don’t worry, do not fear, its a question of trust, of being brave.

Sometimes us angels guide you to the edge of your comfort zone, we are not doing so to make you uncomfortable or afraid, merely we are daring you to believe, to dare to dream that YES! ALL IS POSSIBLE and that the ONLY limitations to your own happiness are those that you give yourself.

If you want to be happy, no one can stop you and if you dare to be brave then it is AMAZING what you can create and attract into your life.

You see life is not a test, it is not designed to be hard, harsh or difficult, it is designed to help wake you up into the fullness of your being, and when you step into that fullness all becomes well with the world.

So next time you feel you are being asked to take that next step – be brave, be bold and say YES!!! And I promise you that no matter what your head and fear tells you, that all will be well.

You see when you learn to listen to your heart, then pathways begin to open up for you. There is no such thing as ‘too good to be true’ there is only that which is waiting for you if you dare to believe, if you are brave enough to trust that us, your angels have you. We have you held in our arms and we guide you not into the darkness but into the light.

You are a brave, beautiful warrior angel and we love you for it. Carry on being that brave soul, and trust in your heart and in the love that flows so freely from you right now. You were born to bring that light and share it, so share it and dare to believe that you can have it all, because I promise you, you truly can. The only limiter, is YOU.

So be brave dear sweet angel, take that next step into the unknown, trust your heart, trust love for love does not lie, it only guides you towards the next biggest version of you and invites you into the next chapter of your journey upon this planet. We salute you sweet, beautiful earthly angels – and, we LOVE you xxx

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Limitless LOVE

Inside of you, yes YOU the dear sweet angel that is reading this! there is limitless LOVE. You are a child of the universe, a reflection of the divine and as such are LOVE personified.

All too often you look to an external love to fill your inner fuel tank of love, when in reality you have your own love ‘gas station’ deep inside your heart. Imagine it now.. there is a friendly angel, just waiting by the pump, waiting for you to open up your heart’s fuel cap, so that they can begin to pump that beautiful, delicious, yummy, divine love back into you. They are beaming at you, and as you are being filled up with LOVE, that smile that was missing this morning, is beginning to spread across your beautiful face. You can feel the LOVE as it begins to fill you right up, you can feel your own inner glow beginning to light up, you are lighting up as the warm spread of love courses through your body. You look at the angel attendant, and as you look closer you see that it is YOUR face and that it is YOUR own dear sweet angel self that is filling you up.

So where is all that LOVE coming from? You look at the hose, follow it to its source and sure enough there it is, pumping that very love that is filling you, from your own heart. You see your heart has a limitless supply of love, if you only pulled into that love gas station more often!

And now, you feel the fuel tank full to the brim, you are shining, you are laughing, you are free.

So be that love, and be free. BE that love, and LOVE (your self) UNCONDITIONALLY.

All my love, Emmanuel xxx

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Try a little tenderness

I know how hard it can feel sometimes on your planet. Its busy busy busy, work work work, rush rush rush. No time to stop, no time to fit in the things that are really important and so often you spend time chastising yourself for not getting it all done! But what if I was to say that you are perfect just the way you are? That if you just gave up, and allowed us in, that life would be so much simpler? If you just listened to your heart over your head that suddenly there would be clarity? And if you just tried a little tenderness that even the bruised heart you have would be healed.

You see so many of you look to others to give you the love, the kindness, the advice, guidance and support that you do not seem able to give yourself. But when you still your mind, and listen to the heart’s soft lilting melody you will find that it is sweeter, kinder and more tender than your beloved’s kiss.

The love that is within you, is so big, so strong, so powerful, all you need do is access it. So be kind to yourself, quiet that internal voice that tells you that you’ll never be enough, never be loveable, never be loved.

You are beautiful, and you are perfect.

You are quite literally heaven made manifest on the earth. You are love personified, so do not believe what your mind tells you, tell it to politely go away.

Treat yourself to a little tenderness, because dearest one, you so deserve to be treated tenderly! Just like a seedling as it grows needs to be nurtured, tended and fed, so you too, as you grow into the fullness of who you are, need the same.

So tonight let us treat you, let us take you in our wings and hold you. Let us kiss away your fears, let us hold you in our loving embrace. Let us soothe your troubled mind and caress you until you drift off into deep and peaceful slumber. Let us take you home to refuel, recharge and revitalise. Simply ask us tonight, and we will show you more than a little tenderness. Why? Because we love you of course!

All our love, Emmanuel and your angels xxx


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Always listen to your heart (and only sometimes listen to your head)

If there was one thing we angels could give you, it would be the ability to discern between the voice of fear and the voice of love.

Fear often comes in the guise of love, saying that it will protect us, telling us that if we just listen and follow its advice then we’ll be safe.

Fear is created and instigated by your minds.. when you listen to your head, it is often the voice of fear wrapped in a cloak of apparently sound logic! However your heart needs no logic, it always makes sense, and it always will lead you to true freedom. Freedom to be the truth of who you are.

So imagine now for a moment that you could hear the voice of your heart? What would it say? How would it sound? Give it a voice, so that you might recognise it when it speaks to you.

You see all too often you listen to your head rather than your heart. Your heart knows when something is right or it is wrong. It knows when to say ‘enough’ and when to say ‘more’! Your heart is an excellent compass and will not lead you astray.

Your world is one that gets you into your head, and tells you that intellect is king! It is not always.. and in fact a lot of the time it just muddies the water and confuses things.

So how to get out of one’s head? How to learn to listen to the wise counsel of the heart? Next time you have a key decision or choice to make, play a little game. Think things through, use your mind, listen to its voices (have you ever noticed how many conflicting voices their are in your head??) and then when it has made the ‘logical decision’, now ask internally.. ‘what would my heart say?’ If you hear a clear, kind, welcoming voice, know that it is your heart speaking.

You see inside you, you really do know what is best for you, its just that you look to the wrong part of your body for the answers. It is like going into a library for knowledge and always going to the newspapers section rather than the reference library where all the real knowledge is kept!

So go to that place in you that knows.. the place where the answers are always kind, generous and loving towards you. Your heart! and I promise you that life will be a lot simpler, a lot easier, and a lot freer!

Practice listening to your heart, and still the voices in your head. It will take some practice, but just as a musician must practice their instrument to master their craft, so must you practice using your instrument, so that you can master your life! It is worth it, and so are you!

All my love, Emmanuel xxx


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