Being brave

When you are feeling that life is testing you, when you feel you are being asked to take that next step. Don’t worry, do not fear, its a question of trust, of being brave.

Sometimes us angels guide you to the edge of your comfort zone, we are not doing so to make you uncomfortable or afraid, merely we are daring you to believe, to dare to dream that YES! ALL IS POSSIBLE and that the ONLY limitations to your own happiness are those that you give yourself.

If you want to be happy, no one can stop you and if you dare to be brave then it is AMAZING what you can create and attract into your life.

You see life is not a test, it is not designed to be hard, harsh or difficult, it is designed to help wake you up into the fullness of your being, and when you step into that fullness all becomes well with the world.

So next time you feel you are being asked to take that next step – be brave, be bold and say YES!!! And I promise you that no matter what your head and fear tells you, that all will be well.

You see when you learn to listen to your heart, then pathways begin to open up for you. There is no such thing as ‘too good to be true’ there is only that which is waiting for you if you dare to believe, if you are brave enough to trust that us, your angels have you. We have you held in our arms and we guide you not into the darkness but into the light.

You are a brave, beautiful warrior angel and we love you for it. Carry on being that brave soul, and trust in your heart and in the love that flows so freely from you right now. You were born to bring that light and share it, so share it and dare to believe that you can have it all, because I promise you, you truly can. The only limiter, is YOU.

So be brave dear sweet angel, take that next step into the unknown, trust your heart, trust love for love does not lie, it only guides you towards the next biggest version of you and invites you into the next chapter of your journey upon this planet. We salute you sweet, beautiful earthly angels – and, we LOVE you xxx

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Limitless LOVE

Inside of you, yes YOU the dear sweet angel that is reading this! there is limitless LOVE. You are a child of the universe, a reflection of the divine and as such are LOVE personified.

All too often you look to an external love to fill your inner fuel tank of love, when in reality you have your own love ‘gas station’ deep inside your heart. Imagine it now.. there is a friendly angel, just waiting by the pump, waiting for you to open up your heart’s fuel cap, so that they can begin to pump that beautiful, delicious, yummy, divine love back into you. They are beaming at you, and as you are being filled up with LOVE, that smile that was missing this morning, is beginning to spread across your beautiful face. You can feel the LOVE as it begins to fill you right up, you can feel your own inner glow beginning to light up, you are lighting up as the warm spread of love courses through your body. You look at the angel attendant, and as you look closer you see that it is YOUR face and that it is YOUR own dear sweet angel self that is filling you up.

So where is all that LOVE coming from? You look at the hose, follow it to its source and sure enough there it is, pumping that very love that is filling you, from your own heart. You see your heart has a limitless supply of love, if you only pulled into that love gas station more often!

And now, you feel the fuel tank full to the brim, you are shining, you are laughing, you are free.

So be that love, and be free. BE that love, and LOVE (your self) UNCONDITIONALLY.

All my love, Emmanuel xxx

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Try a little tenderness

I know how hard it can feel sometimes on your planet. Its busy busy busy, work work work, rush rush rush. No time to stop, no time to fit in the things that are really important and so often you spend time chastising yourself for not getting it all done! But what if I was to say that you are perfect just the way you are? That if you just gave up, and allowed us in, that life would be so much simpler? If you just listened to your heart over your head that suddenly there would be clarity? And if you just tried a little tenderness that even the bruised heart you have would be healed.

You see so many of you look to others to give you the love, the kindness, the advice, guidance and support that you do not seem able to give yourself. But when you still your mind, and listen to the heart’s soft lilting melody you will find that it is sweeter, kinder and more tender than your beloved’s kiss.

The love that is within you, is so big, so strong, so powerful, all you need do is access it. So be kind to yourself, quiet that internal voice that tells you that you’ll never be enough, never be loveable, never be loved.

You are beautiful, and you are perfect.

You are quite literally heaven made manifest on the earth. You are love personified, so do not believe what your mind tells you, tell it to politely go away.

Treat yourself to a little tenderness, because dearest one, you so deserve to be treated tenderly! Just like a seedling as it grows needs to be nurtured, tended and fed, so you too, as you grow into the fullness of who you are, need the same.

So tonight let us treat you, let us take you in our wings and hold you. Let us kiss away your fears, let us hold you in our loving embrace. Let us soothe your troubled mind and caress you until you drift off into deep and peaceful slumber. Let us take you home to refuel, recharge and revitalise. Simply ask us tonight, and we will show you more than a little tenderness. Why? Because we love you of course!

All our love, Emmanuel and your angels xxx


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Always listen to your heart (and only sometimes listen to your head)

If there was one thing we angels could give you, it would be the ability to discern between the voice of fear and the voice of love.

Fear often comes in the guise of love, saying that it will protect us, telling us that if we just listen and follow its advice then we’ll be safe.

Fear is created and instigated by your minds.. when you listen to your head, it is often the voice of fear wrapped in a cloak of apparently sound logic! However your heart needs no logic, it always makes sense, and it always will lead you to true freedom. Freedom to be the truth of who you are.

So imagine now for a moment that you could hear the voice of your heart? What would it say? How would it sound? Give it a voice, so that you might recognise it when it speaks to you.

You see all too often you listen to your head rather than your heart. Your heart knows when something is right or it is wrong. It knows when to say ‘enough’ and when to say ‘more’! Your heart is an excellent compass and will not lead you astray.

Your world is one that gets you into your head, and tells you that intellect is king! It is not always.. and in fact a lot of the time it just muddies the water and confuses things.

So how to get out of one’s head? How to learn to listen to the wise counsel of the heart? Next time you have a key decision or choice to make, play a little game. Think things through, use your mind, listen to its voices (have you ever noticed how many conflicting voices their are in your head??) and then when it has made the ‘logical decision’, now ask internally.. ‘what would my heart say?’ If you hear a clear, kind, welcoming voice, know that it is your heart speaking.

You see inside you, you really do know what is best for you, its just that you look to the wrong part of your body for the answers. It is like going into a library for knowledge and always going to the newspapers section rather than the reference library where all the real knowledge is kept!

So go to that place in you that knows.. the place where the answers are always kind, generous and loving towards you. Your heart! and I promise you that life will be a lot simpler, a lot easier, and a lot freer!

Practice listening to your heart, and still the voices in your head. It will take some practice, but just as a musician must practice their instrument to master their craft, so must you practice using your instrument, so that you can master your life! It is worth it, and so are you!

All my love, Emmanuel xxx


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In LOVE there is nothing to fear

Hello dear sweet angels, today I wish to write to you on the subject of love. A particular favourite of mine as I’m sure all of you have come to be aware! When you are IN LOVE There is nothing to fear and nothing fear can show you or tell you that can shake being in that place called love.

‘Love conquers all’ so many of your great writers and philosophers and saints have told you this but is it really true?

Sure your heart yearns to believe in that and yet, your earthly minds are bombarded with images of fear and fear has a strong voice in your media and your cultures and so you learn to listen to fear when it tells you that ‘it will keep you safe’ and ‘keep you away from hurt and pain’. You feel as if you need to be careful, be on your toes, protect yourself from the big bad world out there. But I am here to tell you that the greatest protection you can have, the greatest guard from hurt, pain, and yes even fear itself is LOVE.

Love has become a much diluted version of itself on your planet.. You confuse love with romantic attachment, and the two are just not the same. Sure, romance can lead you into the place called love but it all too often is a love that comes with conditions, ‘I can be in love when I am with you, but I am lost without you’, ‘if you love me, change for me’, ‘If you loved me, you would..’ and yet, the truth is that true love knows no conditions it just IS. And love is literally the ALL THAT IS! Love is God and God is love, the two words are inter-transferable for God and love are one and the same thing.

Love is not a small thing, not a weak co-dependent thing that requires another, Love is all that there is, and is the most powerful force that exists.

Love is all powerful and all consuming, it literally consumes all before it! Nothing can stand in the face of true love and not be absorbed into it. Like a super-massive ‘light’ hole it devours darkness and brings the light.

So step into love, it really DOES conquer all! How does one do that? Well the first step is to fall back in love with your own dear sweet self. Learn to love your self again, the true journey of love is an inward one not an outward one.

When you truly love yourself you reconnect with the all powerful love that is the all that is, and love is all around you and within you. No emotion, fear or attachment can exist when faced with such love. Sure, there will be times when you slip, when you fall, when you get caught up in the drama of life, but that is totally ok! Did you hear me?? I said it’s ok to make mistakes and be human, in fact that is absolutely what you are here to be! So don’t beat yourself up when you fall, when you forget, simply celebrate the fact that you have remembered that you have forgotten and reach out your hand and ask for our help. Laugh, because laughter pushes away fear and ensures that you will not pick up that stick that you all too often beat yourself up with.

Do not listen to the negative voices in your head, that is fear’s voice. Listen to the song of your heart, the sweet melody, that lifts you up and holds you in its embrace when you fall. The voice that says ‘come on, you can do this!’ The voice that says ‘nevermind, these kinds of things happen to everyone’ and the voice that says ‘ok so that happened, so what? Let’s get back up, dust ourselves off and get back on the horse!’

And remember that we you angels will be there to pull you back to your feet, for we are always there with you every step of the way. We love you you know and we are so very proud of the brave things you do every single day! We are here to help you to step into the fullness of your being, and we are here to love you unconditionally and help you to find that place called LOVE that is within you, the love that conquers all and consumes all.. We love you!

Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Don’t make it hard work..

There is a general misunderstanding that in order to be spiritual you must ‘work hard’ at it. This quite simply put is a fallacy. If you think that you must be austere with yourself be that in thoughts word or deed/practice then I am sorry to say but you are ‘doing’ it wrong!

Firstly the spiritual journey is not designed to be hard! Yes there are challenges along the way and lessons to take on board but it’s not designed to be hard it is designed to be the easy path. Already I hear your minds go into flux

‘but Emmanuel surely we must work on ourselves to attain enlightenment? Is that not what all the holy books say?’

No! You do not need to work on yourselves you need to LOVE yourselves! THE most important spiritual ‘work’ (and we would much rather you called it play by the way!) you have to do is to fall completely and utterly head over heels in love not with another but with your own dear sweet selves. Then when you are full to the brim with self-love THEN you will discover that life and the spiritual journey are not hard work but blissful and joyful. Laughter will become your soundtrack as you dance through life.

Will their be tough and demanding days? Of course because the human adventure will always have its ups and downs and sometimes you need kicks to grow. But you know when you are in that place called love with yourself it is amazing how much simpler and easier life becomes.

Many ‘teachers’ will tell you that the spiritual path is a difficult one that requires dedication, graft and practice practice practice! But I say that all you need do is practice loving you, all of you.. The good bits, the bad bits, the crazy bits, the emotional bits, the wrinkly bits, the wobbly bits.. Love all that you are because all that you are is very special indeed and when you love yourself fully? Then you become enlightened.. Literally ‘with light’ because your inner light, will be beaming forth for you are a being of light and so nothing is more simple or more easy than being enlightened!!

I love you, and so do your angels! ? Emmanuel xxxx


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Love who you are

Dear sweet angels i am here today to remind you of an essential truth..

All that you are, all that you are being is perfect. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not worry what others think of you because no matter what your mind and fear tells you, you ARE loved and you ARE love.

Oh dear sweet angel how I wish you could see me as I see you! I do not see your imperfections because I look not through the lens of fear but the lens of love. I see you as the magnificent angel that you are!

So maybe it is time to change what lens you use.. So you might see the truth of who you are also? Choose love and everything and everyone in the world becomes so beautiful, it is breathtaking. Just as you are when you stand in your own power, when you do not give your power away to others by fearing what they think of you. When you can remain true to yourself even when you disappoint another then you are standing in your own power, when you love yourself without need for another’s approval or love then the divine power of love is yours..

Hold true to yourself. You are enough, you are more than enough you are beautiful, and perfect just the way you are. Love your imperfections, your doubts your fears and watch them dissolve in the ocean of love that is within you. Love who you are because love IS who you are. Never apologise for being loving and kind never apologise for being in love. You are amazing..

And we, your angels applaud you every single day for daring to make a stand for love by just being the wonderful you that you are. You are very very special and you are very very loved please know that.. All my love Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Be true to who you are

There are times on your planet when you are asked to step up into the fullness of your being. To step away from fear and into the arms of love.

Brave decisions need to be made.. Do you play small or do you play big? Do you expand into the next biggest version of you or do you shrink into the constraints that the world tells you are ‘the norm’?

Do you make a stand for love and be true to who you are? Or do you shy away from the difficult decisions and take fears hand?

Fear tells you it is safer to ‘play safe’ but do not choose fear, choose love. Listen to the song of your heart, listen to the sweet melody that is the truth of who you are. Be strong and be fair and be LOVE.

We applaud your journeys all of you. We know that at times it feels as if it is all too much but we promise you that it will all be ok.. Choose love and choose to be BIG.

You have no idea how amazing you all are but from where I stand all I see is the beautiful magnificent Angels you all are.

We love you, never doubt that and we are here to help you be true to who you are every single moment of every single day of your lives.. So call on us and we will help you stand up to fear and step into the fullness of the truth of who you are. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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You can come home anytime you wish!

There are times at which life on your planet can feel overwhelming. Times when things feel like they are just too much for you.

Its not easy being human and us angels absolutely understand and admire all that you put up with in your human journeys. So I thought it a good idea to remind you that you have access to the best spa in town. It is the ‘angel spa’ – and it is your home.

When things feel as if they are getting on top of you, when you are feeling the pressure and demands of life are wearing you down. When it feels as if there is no energy left to give, no respite from the ‘non-stopness’ of the world and you are just plain exhausted. Know that you can come home anytime you wish!

You see we are here with you always. You have guardian angels that are assigned specifically just for you, they are your personal guard, your personal detail of angels. They are there at your beck and call, there to support you, guide you, remind you and most importantly to LOVE YOU. And so when you feel that things are getting too much, that you are run out of energy and need to re-energise and get your vitality back, then simply ask us to help.

As you go to bed, simply contact your angels and let them know that you wish to ‘go home’ as you sleep. Then as your mind drifts off, we take you back home, to the light, to the most amazingly perfect spa that exists!

This is soul recuperation, soul reconnection and soul LOVE. When you reconnect with source, you reconnect with the all that is and reconnect with the inexhaustible supply of energy that is the love of the universe.

So just as you plug in your mobile phones at night to recharge, why not plug yourself back into the ultimate source, and go visit the ultimate spa? Then you will wake up refreshed and ready for the next exciting stage of your adventure!

All that is required is that you ask your angels before you go to sleep and we will bring you HOME. So call on us, anytime, we promise we will be there to escort you HOME.

We love you you know, very very much and we are here for you 24/7. All our love, Emmanuel and your Angels xxxx

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The Beauty of life

Don’t let the world pass you by and don’t let your life pass you by.

There is so much to be grateful for dear sweet angels and so much beauty if you will only stop and listen to sounds of the forest, the sea, the sun, the grass, the flowers.

Beauty is everywhere all around you. Its time to stop the busyness, and slip into slowlyness. When you stop enough the world stops being a blur and comes into focus. Now you can see the colours, hear the sounds, and breathe in the beauty of creation.

Did you know it was waiting just for you? The world is waiting for you to stop.

Why not stop a while, and just breathe? Breathe the beauty in, let the world feed you for a change, you are hungry are you not? So feast on that which is laid before you in this present moment, feed your hungry heart with the beauty of that which is all around you.

Let the love in, let the light in, let it all in.. be beautiful, be perfect, be YOU. All my love Emmanuel xxx

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