Author Archive | Emmanuel

What do YOU choose?

There are times in your life when you asked ‘which way do you wish to go?’ ‘what do you stand for now?’ ‘what do you choose at this time in your life?’ by the universe. These are choice points, they are the major choices that either bring you close to alignment to your purpose or temporarily move you further away.

This is one of those times.. do you choose love? Or do you choose fear? Do you choose the heart? Or do you choose the head? Do you choose to stand together or to split apart? You are all human beings and as such you have a shared set of values – it’s written into your DNA.

There are very very few people who wake up in the morning and say ‘how can I spread fear and violence and harm my fellow humans today?’. They are the tiny minority, most of you DO CARE, most of you DO WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, WANT TO BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.

That is why you have come here, to help with the transformation of your planet. It is part of your very make up and you know this, you hear it in your quiet moments – ‘I know I am here to make a difference, that I am here for a reason’ – it is not the only reason, you will have many, but it is a part of why you are all here.

Each and everyone of you has a voice, and that voice will, with time be truly heard. Now is a time to stand together for what is right, for what you believe in. Please notice that your voice DOES MATTER, that is DOES COUNT. So what will you do with your voice now you know it is starting to be heard? Will you shrink back in apathy? Or will you stand up and make it heard more loudly?

It is time to come together, to stand together and work together – to unify your voices into a great choir that asks for simple but profound changes. When you do this in the name of humanity, decency and LOVE, there is nothing that you cannot achieve, there is nothing that is impossible.

So start dreaming again, start believing that change IS POSSIBLE, that IT IS INEVITABLE. The choice is yours.. so what do YOU choose?

Sending you so much love, support and gratitude for all that you are – Emmanuel   

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At the moment upon your planet there is a busyness that is astounding. From where I am it seems as if you are busy busy little bees, but unlike bees there is not much purpose to the busyness, just a habit of being busy! The faster you go, the more you feel you have to do, the more caught up you get in the illusion of it all.

It’s time to stop, take a break, reflect and recognise that perhaps being busy isn’t the answer, maybe it’s time to be more in tune with this amazing vehicle which you were born into. YOUR HUMAN BODY.

So many people seem to want to escape their bodies, up and out into the spiritual, forgetting that in order to function in your world it is important to be IN IT and be IN YOUR BODIES. Those that are in their bodies seem to have their body’s communication channels turned down, almost on mute, so that it makes it easy to keep busy and ignore the messages that are coming all the time from your bodies. Messages like : ‘I’m hungry’, “I need to have a rest now”, “I can’t take in any more information”, “I’m getting sick”, “I just want to stop and sit down”, “I need to get up and move around”.

Your physical body is not an accident of a design, it is PERFECTLY designed to enable you to function and excel in the human adventure, this world in which you live. It is constantly giving you feedback, telling you what is going on both inside and around you. But if you do not listen, if you listen only to the voice in your head repeating the mantra to keep going ‘faster’ and ignoring what your body is telling you, then you are fast forwarding to nowhere in particular and doing yourselves a lot of physical and mental damage in the meantime.

Your body has a built in feedback loop system, it tells you all the time what is going on, what it needs, what it wants, what is necessary to keep it well maintained, in good health and good spirit – a happy body will bring a happier mind and a happier life. A happy body, ensures that your spiritual self is able to grow and express itself more fully and to shine more brightly.

So look after the vehicle in which you came, because without this vehicle to take you to your destination (to uncover the truth of who you are) it will be a long, painful walk home!

So why not stop now.. yes, right now as you are reading this. What is your body telling you RIGHT NOW? Is it telling you to stop? Is it telling you to take a break? Is it telling you it needs feeding? That it needs to move? That it needs something green and wholesome? That it needs to be out in the sunshine? That is has an itch just at the place you can’t reach? What is it saying? – If you find that you can’t hear it when you try to – using the power of your imagination imagine seeing the volume switch for your body before you.. turn the volume up! Take it off MUTE and then you will be able to hear it more clearly!!!

It is important to find and create time in your everyday to stop and check in with your body. Your body is wiser than you give it credit for, and when you listen to it, you will be amazed at the information and wisdom that it holds! So don’t delay, let today be the day that you listen to what your body is telling you. You’ll be glad you did

– all my love Emmanuel xxx

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Be the LIGHT

I know that for many of you right now your planet feels as if it is in shadow, as if it is sinking into darkness like day turning to night, but I promise you this is not the case!

When you are in shadow it is difficult to see beyond its reach, fear comes in does it not? And whispers into your ear that if you are not careful that soon all will be infected with the dark tendrils of shadow, that darkness will consume all! But again I promise you this is not the case.

It is all a matter of perspective, when you are IN the darkness of course it feels all consuming but when you take a step back, a step up out of that darkness, you can see it for what it is, merely illusionary shadow dancing across the stage of your planet. Like clouds that cross and block out the sun, the shadow is only a cursory break from the sun that will inevitably shine again once the cloud has passed. So now is the time to learn to cloud-bust!

How does one bust the clouds of fear, the threat of darkness and fear? Simple my dear sweet angel.. BE THE LIGHT.

Already their are millions on your planet being the light, and when you decide to be the light too, so the balance begins to shift, the shadows begin to dissipate and the earth lights up. From where I am, I wish to tell you that actually your planet is more LIGHT than DARK, those millions of light bulbs are brightening not dimming your planet and yes I know that fear tells you that things are getting worse, but I promise you once again this is not the case! From where I stand I see all that ever was and where are you now? You are far further along the path to a heaven on earth than you think. And no, I am not being sentimental, I am not being romantic, I am speaking TRUTH. Right now you are further along the path than you have ever been in your evolutionary history.

So why not take that next step on that path? Why not let your light shine more brightly? Why not banish the shadows in your life?
How does one do that? How does one BE THE LIGHT?
SIMPLE – just do one thing a day that brings the light to another, one moment of kindness, one caring thought, one thoughtful action, one heart-opening sharing, one prayer, one act of compassion. Each time you give when your heart is open, so that turns up your inner light, re-enforces your connection to your angel-self and with the ALL THAT IS.

You are an ambassador of LOVE upon this planet, and you are a BRINGER OF THE LIGHT. So bring that light to those around you, but also to yourself. Be kind to you, be generous to you, be loving to YOU. By BEING THE LIGHT you are bringing light not only to your immediate friends, family, and community, but also helping to illuminate the whole world! BE THE LIGHT dear sweet angel.. be the light. Much love you all! Emmanuel <3 <3

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Don’t be downhearted, there’s so much love coming your way!

I know that at times life can get you down, it can feel like a struggle, but I promise you it is not designed that way. We do not send you struggle, we send you LOVE.

It is easy to feel that you must deal with everything you face, that at the end of the day it is you who must do what needs to be done, but I promise you this is not the case! The only thing you need do is.. (and I suggest that you do this right now as you are reading this) stop, whatever you are doing right now, just stop.

Be still. Close your eyes and breathe. Become aware of the light that is coming, starting to light up from within your spiritual heart, your human chest. Breathe into that light and connect. This is the connection to the all that is, it is the bridge from our world to yours. It is like a power plug and that power is LOVE a universal adaptor that allows you to plug into the POWER OF GOD’S LOVE. So PLUG IN, and allow the bridge of LOVE to flow freely.

When the doorway to your heart, the bridge into your body is closed then it is much harder for us to give you the love that you need to top up your internal fuel tanks of love. It is hard for us to stoke the fires that allow your light to shine more brightly.

We ARE here and we are HERE always ready with our hearts wide open to shine the light of LOVE upon you, to share the limitless LOVE of the universe that is yours to receive. Are you ready now? Are you plugged in, your bridge reconnected and open for us?

You should feel a warm glow in your chest now as the flow of LOVE from us to you begins. Feel that warmth as it grows and spreads within your body. Notice the light that is beginning to emenate from within you, it is growing in strength, you are beginning to shine are you not?

Let that light shine, let the love that is flowing to you now fill you up. Fill your fuel tank of LOVE right up! Can you feel it? Are you full yet? Do not worry we have more than enough.. the ‘ALL THAT IS’ has plenty to share! Allow God’s love to fill you – heart, mind, body and soul.

You are a child of god, remember that, and as such God is willing to feed you with his love, and we the ambassadors of that LOVE are here ready to fill you!

SO LET LOVE IN, AND LET THAT LOVE SHINE. Now you are full, share that love with those you love, and let the love that is within you, reach out across the oceans to those you have not even met yet. Don’t be downhearted – when you stop, breathe and reconnect, you’ll find there is SO MUCH LOVE COMING YOUR WAY! All my love, Emmanuel <3 <3

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Balance – bringing it all together

Right now upon your planet, there is a constant pressure to keep on going, to keep on working, to do more, to fit everything into your precious days. There is a lot of talk of getting back in balance, but what does balance really mean?

Balance is not about doing this and not doing that, balance is about bringing everything together so that you feel more harmonious and in balance. So balance is not about pushing things away but integrating things in a way that allows you to feel more free, to feel more in control, to breathe and yes, relax. When was the last time you truly relaxed? When you stopped and did nothing, until you got bored of doing nothing?

It’s time to stop and re-assess how you are running your life. Perhaps now is the time to stop RUNNING your life and start WALKING your life! – When you slow down, your perspective comes back and you are able to see what is working for you and what is not. When everything is at break-neck speed there is just no ‘time’ to see what is really going on and no ‘time’ to react or make a decision to stop doing what is not working for you.

So.. what is balance?

Balance is bringing back into harmony, it is bringing in things that are needed and letting go of the need to do things that aren’t working. So if you find that you are working on a sunday evening, why not stop working early on a wednesday afternoon? If you are finding there’s no time for you, why not use your own diary to diary IN time with yourself? If you find that you’re always running out of energy, why not introduce things that GIVE you energy into your working week?

All of you reading this right now are out of balance in some way. You might be working too hard, you might be putting everyone else first, you might just be tired and worn out. Isn’t it time that you considered another way? Isn’t it ‘time’ that you considered opting out of the world’s manic pace for just a small amount of time? Isn’t it time to bring your talents skills and gifts that you were born with into your lives?

Bring in the GOOD STUFF, the stuff that fuels your inner fuel tank of LOVE. The things that make you feel GOOD, make you feel ALIVE, make you feel that you are on purpose and on the right path. When your heart sings, THAT is when you KNOW that your life is in balance. The heart’s melody IS your balance compass, it will point you to a place where you can be spiritual, earthly, angelic and human.

It’s not an easy balancing act, it is not easy to bring your-selves into harmony and yet for your own sakes, for your own well-being, NOW is the ‘time’ to stop and reflect. NOW is the ‘time’ to bring your lives back into balance. So consider this a homework and ‘work in progress’ it’s not something that will change over night, but it is something that will make a considerable difference to how your life feels. I love you, and I am at your service always. All my love – Emmanuel xxx

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Happy New Year – a new year’s message from Emmanuel

My dear sweet angels, now one year is behind you, let this be a time for setting your intention for the year to come. Remember, you are the authors of your story, noone else, and so it comes to you to decide HOW you would like the coming year, your next chapter in the story of your lives to be!

It’s an exciting time of year, mainly because the year awaits ahead of you waiting to be shaped. How will you shape yours? What will you write into your next chapter? The universe is awaiting your direction, your lives are awaiting your direction.

What will you put into 2017? Might I suggest and proffer that you add a little fun and perhaps a little lightness? There has been too much solemnity and too much darkness in your lives recently so let 2017 be a year to bring the light and the joy back into your lives.There will be habits that you will want to let go of, and new exciting things you will wish to bring in.

This time at the commencement of the year is the time to write the story YOU wish to live out. So if you are willing, why not sit down for a moment and write the next chapter of your life? What sort of adventures do you wish to have? What new experiences do you wish to explore? What do want to bring in, and what would you like to leave behind in the last chapter? This is a time of renewal, a time of making a new commitment to your-selves. A time to make a promise to to you to live life to the full and make sure that you are full of life!

I invite you to dare to create a new storyline, one that brings you fun, lightness, joy and delight! Remember that I, and your angels are ALWAYS with you, so as you write, know we are with you, helping you to dare to dream, to know that ALL IS POSSIBLE (for surely it truly is!) – So dear sweet angel, may all your dreams come to fruition, may all those that you love be happy, at peace, and full of love. May 2017 be the year that you let your light shine more fully! – All my love Emmanuel

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The greatest gift this Christmas..

This Christmas, remember, that the greatest gift of all.. is you! Yes you, the angel reading this, you are a gift to the world!

Remember that.. and let your light shine freely. When you light up, you light up the world. So burn brightly dear sweet angel you, let your love show.. let your love show. You are the greatest gift that anyone could ask for this christmas, so give yourself fully and completely. Remembering to top your own fuel tank of love up – let yourself be the gift that keeps on giving, not just to others, but to yourself too.

We your angels, want to thank you for all that you have done, are doing and being. Keep on shining, keep on believing, and keep on being the wonderful you that you are!

All our love Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Death does not exist

Today I bring some joyous news that will surprise some of you greatly, death.. does NOT exist.

I know that on your planet Death is a taboo word, it is not something to be discussed and so here I am, bringing it up for discussion, because you have some fundamental misunderstandings about this thing called ‘death’.

Death is not the end, it is the beginning of the next chapter, it is the next breath, the next biggest breath into a new life without a physical form. Death should be more accurately called ‘the next breath’ or ‘the day I left my body’ because actually that is more in keeping with the reality of death.

Love cannot die, and so although your body stops working, that which is within you, your spirit, your angel-self or soul-self cannot die.

The vehicle in which you came, the physical body, that ages and has a limited life span. Just like the car you drive there comes a point where it is time to let the car go, it no longer functions as it used to, its time to replace it with something more useful. And indeed it is similar with what you call death, you leave your body and merge into the great self you have always been.

This ‘new’ vehicle is not so tight fitting, not so creaky at the joints, and has far less wrinkles! This is your angel body, your soul-self, your light body.

When you take your last breath in form, you are released from the tight constrictions of the physical body and you can take your next breath into your a body without form, one that is as big as the world as you know it and beyond. You merge back into the LOVE that you came from.

There is no pain at death and it is nothing to be afraid of – It is merely the next breath and it is the most wonderful of experiences! Imagine if you will the most amazingly happy, joyous experience you have ever had. Imagine the most loved up, exciting and ecstatic feeling you ever had.. now multiply that ten-fold and you have some kind of approximation of just how joyous and freeing it is to leave your body.

I know that those of you who are left behind, miss the physical form of your loved ones, but know this, they have not gone anywhere! They have merely left their body, but they will not leave you – oh no, they are with you, of this you can be certain. Love never dies, and love will never leave you. They have merely transformed form, they are the caterpillar that has metamorphosed into the butterfly. They are free.

Spend a moment now, and you will feel their wings as they flutter, listen carefully and you will hear their messages of love for you. They are still with you, they are just in a different form now. Now they ARE the LOVE that you once shared, and now they are that LOVE they can love you all the more, and you can tap into that LOVE whenever you wish to..

..and remember this, when your body ‘dies’ you do not ‘die’ alone, oh no, all your angels, all your loved ones that have left their bodies before you, they are there to help you with the transition to your new chapter. They help you with your wings, and teach you how to fly again.

I hope this has given a little clarity on that taboo subject called death, and I hope that you will use this message to re-connect with those you love that have ‘died’ and feel their loving presence – much love Emmanuel xxx

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Changing the world – one step at a time

It may seem to you that to change the world is an impossible task. How can I really make a difference? I’m just one person, can I really change the world? The answer is simple – YES YOU CAN!

To change the world, just do ONE thing, one SIMPLE thing and you will in your own action be helping to change the world. Small steps, simple actions can become great leaps. Don’t keep your difference making actions to yourself, SHARE them.

Now on your planet with the wonders of the inter-web and social-networks you can share your good deeds, your kindnesses, your social action, your community care and call others to follow your lead. If you move into action, if you do even the smallest kindness for another and share it, then it encourages others to follow your lead.

Kindness is infectious, it ripples out into the universe and sends ripples across the inter-web that stirs, in those that read of your selfless actions, the heart response that says ‘YES!’ , “Yes, to doing something to change the world” and ‘YES I REALLY CAN’.

So we, your angels encourage you to do something however small, do it with your friends, do it with your family, do it with your children. Show them that this world can be a kind, generous, loving and compassionate place. By doing these simple things you ARE Changing the world, one step at a time, and remember that by taking that step you are leaving a path for others to follow.

If you all took just one step, all of you who are reading this, well, dearest ones that would be one GREAT LEAP would it not? So take that step, go do what you can to change the world for someone and by changing their world.. even if for just one single moment, you ARE changing the world.

We love you, you know, very much! All our love, Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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Keep Up the Good Work!

I know that right now many of you are facing challenges. Things that are apparently stopping you from the abundance that is there waiting just for you. And I want today to encourage you to keep on going.

I know, I know it feels as if you have been ‘keeping on going’ for a long time now, and I’m asking you for one more push! How dare I??! And yet, How dare I not, because you need to hear that you ARE succeeding, that you ARE doing the right thing, that you ARE doing what is asked of you and we are SO VERY GRATEFUL.

Its not easy being an angel and human both. Its not easy to keep on fighting for what is right, fighting the good fight, bringing the light to the darkness. I know at times you struggle, I know at times you doubt. I know at times that you fear of what is to come. We feel your pain, we hear your cries and entreaties for help and I am here to tell you that you have been heard, that we DO listen and that we are HERE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW.

It doesn’t matter what you do, or how big your audience is, what matters is that you do what you do with purpose, with passion and with love. Your work is being noticed, more than that it is being applauded by all of us that walk with you and more. So keep up the good work, and what wonderful work it is!

Do it because it is what you are here to do, because you couldn’t do anything else, because it just feels right to do it. Rewards come from the most unexpected places, do not assume that you know what the universe has in store for you, do not presume to second guess the ALL THAT IS. The ALL THAT IS has only your best interests at heart, and we the angels that walk with you are working tirelessly to ensure that those best interests are served.

So stay open for miracles, be prepared for that which is to come and know that you are ABSOLUTELY on the right track and doing the right thing.

Keep up the good work my dear sweet angel, and oh, what sweet, deliciously wonderful work it is! Thank you for all that you are, thank you for doing all that you do, and thank you for being YOU.

We love you, we really do.

Love Emmanuel and your angels xxx

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