Upon your planet there seems to be this desire to get everything done faster and faster. Indeed it would seem that even the spiritual path must be traversed more quickly and speedily. But I am here to remind you that there is no hurry, in fact you have a lifetime (and more) to find your way home and journey back into your heart to the truth of who you are.
There is a great freedom to be found in silence, in nothingness, in stillness. There is great space to be found in the quiet moments, in the long, drawn out moments of eternity that are awaiting you when you dare to stop and listen.
Real evolution, real progress takes time.. takes a lifetime (or two, or three!) So don’t worry about figuring it all out now, you don’t have to know EVERYTHING, in fact one of the greatest delights of being human is NOT knowing, accepting that there are some things that cannot be known, the great mysteries of life are not there to be “GOT’ or ‘ATTAINED’ they are there to help you question, to wonder, to think, to breathe, to LIVE!
Remember, it’s not a competition, there is no reward for being first past the post, the finishing line does not have to be got to as quickly as possible because in reality there is no finishing line, there is only the slow inevitable realisation that this LIFE that you are trying so hard to whizz through IS YOUR CURRICULUM, IT IS YOUR JOURNEY HOME. So take more moments to LIVE THAT LIFE more fully and more in your heart.
To understand and accept the truth of who you really are, requires patience, persistence and acceptance. It’s not a race, it’s GRACE that gets you there. It’s not the mind, not the badge, not the NEXT, but what’s HERE NOW, before you and within you.
You are a beautiful, magnificent ANGEL, please know that – and in this moment you are perfect just the way you are. So why not spend your precious time in that MOMENT, loving who you are and loving all those that are around you. There is no better time than now to stop and as my dear friend Ram Dass says – BE HERE, NOW.
If you wish to get ‘enlightened’ then LIGHTEN UP, LAUGH and make the most of every moment. Slow down, relax and all will reveal itself in good time – love the adventure of being human and enjoy every precious experience that life sends you.
I love you all, so very much and I look forward to being with you in those quiet moments – all my love Emmanuel
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