There is no better time than NOW to choose to love who you are.
Do not dilly, do not dally, do not procrastinate or put it off till later.
Do it NOW.
Go on, me and your angels dare you.
Shout as loud as you dare, shout it now – I LOVE WHO I AM! –
This may not be a long message, but it is a profound one.
Love who you are and the world will change.
For as you change all that is around you changes. You literally change the ‘reality’ of your world, not only for yourself, but also for those around you and even for people you have never met!
Love is not a choice. Love is the way.
Choose love and choose love of yourself above all others. Self-love allows you to love others in a bigger, more freeing way. It allows you to shine and as you shine so you give others the permission to shine too. So dare to shine, and dare to LOVE WHO YOU ARE.
We do.
We LOVE who you are.
And always will.
Know that.
All our love, your angels and me.. Emmanuel xxxx
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