There is so much fear upon your planet, that you sometimes forget that actually life is an ADVENTURE.
Sure, at times all adventures have scary bits, have bits you’d rather forget about, bits you wish you’d never started or got into, and are well… adventuresome! But please remember that adventures are also exciting, they make you laugh, they’re amazing, beautiful, moving and they’re designed to be FUN!
So remember that LIFE is an adventure, it’s not meant to be hard work ALL the time, it’s not meant to be taken TOO SERIOUSLY. Lighten up, laugh more and PLAY MORE. You are the otters of the universe, playful & adventuresome.
Remember the adventures you used to have in the garden or in the woods when you were children? Do you remember how much FUN those adventures were??
Life is such an adventure, so what will you do this Easter to bring the FUN back into your adventure, into your LIFE? It’s not as hard as you think it is, it’s much easier than you can imagine – if all else fails, might I suggest an easter bonnet or a pair of rabbit ears? – look at yourself in the mirror, see the glint in your eye, the mischievous, brilliance as it dances across your face and raises a smile. Look into your eyes, see the flicker recognition of the ridiculousness of it all and the realisation that actually LIFE IS PRETTY GOOD really – and that it’s OK to have FUN, no actually it’s more than OK – it’s a part of why you’re here!!
Have a wonderful Easter you fun loving ANGELS! All my love EMMANUEL ❤️
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