The Invitation

My friends, let me impress upon you how solidly you are planted in eternity, how brilliantly you can shine in your own physical world. How possible it all is, how beautifully the plan is designed.

In God’s plan no soul is alone, no soul is ever lost and neither are you.. My fellow angels you have never been alone. Even in your darkest days you have had a guardian angel at your side. A companion on this long and sometimes tiring journey.

Come join me in a celebration of life and love. A celebration of your heart’s desire. Your angels await you in the waiting room of eternity. Do you dare to express the true majesty of who you are?

Then come join us in the transformation of this world. Together we can move mountains, together we can change the world, together we can re-create heaven on earth.

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Remembering where you put your angel’s wings

Dearest ones as I have told you many times you are of course angels in human form. Your job is not to be perfect or purely divine, it is to bring together the angel and human into one..

To function within your reality it is important to follow ones heart, and be the truth of who you are, but also to pay your bills that need to be paid. It is not one or the other it is both.. And so you are both.

Both an angel and a human.

So, I hear you saying “well Emmanuel where is the trick you promised for remembering where I put my angel wings?” – I have just given it to you.

Stop trying to be perfect, stop putting yourselves down, you are doing WONDROUS work you brilliant angel you! We marvel at you and the amazing things you do in difficult circumstances right now on your planet. So keep the faith and celebrate your human frailties in all their glory.

Please, give yourselves a break and let yourselves off, and then it will be much more easy to remember where you put your angels wings.

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There are no ledgers in heaven

Dearly beloveds, when will you realise that there are no ledgers kept in heaven? We do not have lists of the ‘good boys and good girls or the bad boys or bad girls’ – you are all perfection expressing itself. You are perfect, and hear this… You have never done anything wrong. Let me just repeat that… you have NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG.

Oh if you were only to realise the truth of that, to embrace it, to say YES! to it in the moment of now, do you know that you would immediately and wonderfully fall back in love with yourself, so totally and so perfectly that you would know the truth of who you are? So right now, let us do a little exercise together if we might – write yourself a list on a piece of paper.. on one side write all the good things about yourself and on the other side write the things that you believe should be kept in the imaginary ledgers against you. When you have done so, firstly notice that there is probably one side longer than then other… But do not fear, for I wish for you to tear the piece of paper in half. And put the side of fear, the side that tells you that you are bad or naughty or incomplete into your hands scrumple it up and put in the bin.. Does that feel good dearest one? – Now what is left??

Why the other side of course.. imagine if that remaining side were the totality of how you are? Just as it is now the totality of the paper – Could you imagine a life with fear removed? Could you imagine how wonderful your life would be? Can you now begin to see how wonderful and maginficent YOU really are??

Dearest ones, when we that walk with you SEE you, all we see is that side of the paper – the love, the beauty, the angel, the beacon of light here to aid in the transformation of this planet. There are no errors, no faults, no mistakes.. only human frailties. Embrace your humanity, love your frailties. You are perfect just the way you are. Can you embrace your magnificence? Can you accept the truth of who you are? For in truth you are only good, you are perfect and infinitely loveable just the way you are…

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Loves’s Mission

Dearest ones, let me remind you first and foremost of the truth of who you are. You are angels of light, beacons that will take the world that you are living in forwards into the next step in its evolution. You are a new force for good in the world, you are part of the army of love here to help in the transformation of your planet.

Yes, I did indeed say army.. you read correctly but do not fear this word, it simply means that you are in the service of LOVE on this planet. Jesus lead an army of love many years ago, and now it is time to amass the troops and march once more in the name of LOVE. It is time for the next generation of love, the all powerful, the all consuming power of LOVE. It is time to bring more LOVE into this planet. The time is now…

Do not wait until tomorrow, do not wait until you feel you are ready. You are lovers all of you and as one of your dear poets once said ‘you are made of stars’. You are made of the same stuff as that of the universe for the very fabric of the universe is love. It is ALL LOVE, and when YOU LOVE, yourself and others you are helping to change the world. Seriously I do not say this lightly, as you LOVE you change the world.

The power of love is no small thing, and neither are you. You are a magnificent being of light, a magnificent being of LOVE. So today and this week remember that.. and send out the ripples of love into the world, into the universe, that is your purpose, that is your mission..

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