My dear sweet angel, as you begin another year in this wonderful adventure called life, I want to remind you to remember what life is really all about.
It’s about remembering who you really are, it’s about learning and growing, laughing and loving. It’s about remembering why you are here and uncovering/discovering the gifts and talents that you were born with so that you might share them with the world and help transform it into a heaven on earth. It’s about kindness, forgiveness and most of all it is about LOVE.
LOVE is really all it is about and all that you are about.
YOU ARE LOVE MADE MANIFEST, you are quite literally a HEAVEN ON EARTH so your mere presence helps with the transformation of the planet. So remind yourself, (on a regular basis) that life isn’t about being busy or about working hard or about possessions or the ‘stuff’ of life, it’s about being true to yourself and carving your own path. A path that leads to not only your own ultimate freedom, but frees others too as they follow your example and are helped along their paths too.
You are an angel of the light, you are a light-bringer. Share your light, share your truth as you uncover it, share your talents, skills and gifts freely with all those that need them and most importantly share your LOVE – not only to others but also with your self
-Now, that’s quite enough ‘remember-ing’ for one day – now go out and enjoy that adventure called life!! – may this year be one that gets you closer to the truth of who you are and may 2018 be a year that brings you true joy in your heart ❤️All my love Emmanuel
Thank you, Emmanuel! It’s such a wonderful surprise to learn that you are still here (hahaha) and available to all.
I first heard of you thru Ram Dass a few years ago and your tight shoe comment really stuck in my mind. What a relief! 🙂
I just finished watching your “hang out” with Ram Dass thru Jo – what an unexpected surprise. They seem to come when I least expect them 🙂
Thank you thank you thank you! 🙂
I asked my spirit guides what name it was, and the first name that I heard was Emmanuel, and Angel Emmanuel exist so im kinda amused by his humour and miracle