There are times on your planet when you are asked to step up into the fullness of your being. To step away from fear and into the arms of love.
Brave decisions need to be made.. Do you play small or do you play big? Do you expand into the next biggest version of you or do you shrink into the constraints that the world tells you are ‘the norm’?
Do you make a stand for love and be true to who you are? Or do you shy away from the difficult decisions and take fears hand?
Fear tells you it is safer to ‘play safe’ but do not choose fear, choose love. Listen to the song of your heart, listen to the sweet melody that is the truth of who you are. Be strong and be fair and be LOVE.
We applaud your journeys all of you. We know that at times it feels as if it is all too much but we promise you that it will all be ok.. Choose love and choose to be BIG.
You have no idea how amazing you all are but from where I stand all I see is the beautiful magnificent Angels you all are.
We love you, never doubt that and we are here to help you be true to who you are every single moment of every single day of your lives.. So call on us and we will help you stand up to fear and step into the fullness of the truth of who you are. All my love Emmanuel xxx
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