There are times at which it is inevitable that you doubt, that you fear, that you are caught by the machinations of the mind that tell you that you are ‘not enough’, ‘doing it wrong’, ‘not doing enough’, ‘making mistakes’, ‘failing to fulfil your potential’, ‘being useless’, ‘getting caught again’, ‘failing’. I want to re-iterate that we, the angels that walk with you make no such judgements! We love you, and we applaud everything that you are doing in the difficult circumstances that you find yourselves in on your planet right now.
It’s trying times, and we applaud your TRYING! You are doing admirably well, beyond that we think you are doing MARVELLOUSLY WELL.So celebrate every success, every step forward no matter how small and know that we your angels celebrate with you.
You are doing remarkable work, the world is absolutely a better place for having you walking upon it. So do not listen to the voice of fear, and stay true to who you are.
There is no doubt that now more than ever you are needed upon your planet, so keep the faith, keep on fighting the good fight and keep on believing.
The world is changing one small step at a time, no matter how small that step it IS a step in the right direction.
You are making amazing progress, you are doing god’s work, you are still on course, you are still moving forward – Please remember that, and listen to us when we tell you that we love you and we are grateful for everything that you do and everything that you are.
Keep on purpose, stay true to who you are, for who you are is very magnificent indeed. With all my love, Emmanuel ❤️
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