Archive | June, 2024


Upon your planet right now there is a lot of fear. It is clouding judgement, it is restricting your ability to be free. Fear is insidious, it gets under your skin, it uses the language of love (‘let me protect you’, ‘it’s better to be prepared’, ‘it’s dangerous out there, let me help you’) but never has your best wishes at heart. Fear is like the common cold, it is everywhere on your planet at the moment and it’s easy if you are not careful to catch it and be infected by it. So how does one fight fear? How does one defeat fear? You do so by daring to LOVE. 

The LOVE I am talking about here is not your human romantic love it is the all-powerful love that created the very universe you are living in. LOVE is the ultimate power and nothing, not even fear itself can exist in the presence of that love. So when you love, when you tap into the love that is within you, it means that fear begins to dissolve away and loses its hold over you. Love really is the best medicine. Love sees through fear, love helps control and end fear in your life. The more you love, the less space there is for fear. So daring to love is a great way to reduce the impact of fear in your life.

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