My dear sweet angel, did you know that Angels come in all shapes and sizes?
On your planet right now there are literally MILLIONS of angels. Some are new born, some are older and wiser, some have wealth some are poorer than a church mouse. Some are big, some are small, some are short and some.. are tall! There are some right now in your town’s streets, there are some in your bedroom at night when you sleep. There are angels that have wings, and those that are in form, there are angels all around you, there is no ‘angel norm’. So look with the eyes of LOVE, and see that angels they are here, there and everywhere – not up in the heavens or nowhere!
Angels come in all shapes and sizes, they cover ever nation, every colour, every creed. So next time you meet someone, remember that they are an angel inside, oh yes, indeed.
We love you, so very much.
Stay open to the angels that are around you,
Emmanuel xxx